Chapter 19

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Friday, March 21, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. On the Road. 7 hours in. 

Eddie's Perspective. 

It's about 11 pm. I feel my eyes getting tired. I let out a sigh as smoke leaves my mouth. Mike was awake in the back. We were close but I always got this feeling that he was slightly scared of me. "How are you holding up back there?" I look back to Mike. His head whipping to my direction. 

"I'm alright. But I'm quite nervous. I don't know who I'm excited to see more." Mike fiddled with his shirt slightly. "Thank you again for this. I know this was more of a trip for you and Steve, but I'm glad you allowed me and Dustin to tag along." 

"Of course, Wheeler. I wanted to meet this kid you've talked about so much." It seems Wheeler and this Byers kid go back. Speaking of Byers. "Did your friend have a brother by chance? The last name seems familiar." I look back at him through the rear-view mirror. 

"Yeah, his name is Jonathan. I believe he is the same year as Nancy." 

"Jonathan! Thats right. Quiet kid with the camera. How could I forget? Thank you for reminding me Wheeler." I rubbed my eye. At least this conversation was keeping me awake. Normally I could pull an all-nighter but with my new medication, it really tuckers me out.

"If you're tired, we can pull over to a motel or something." Mike could tell how tired I was. I don't want to get into a stupid accident.

"Let me finish this then I'll wake Harrington." I didn't have much left of the cigarette I had lit. I held it up to my lips, then inhaled. Blowing the smoke out of the window. 

"Why don't you want Steve to see it?" Mike questioned. My heart stopped for a second. 

"It's not that I don't want him to see, I just want to finish it before I sleep. I don't want to waste it. Can you wake him up for me?" I held the cigarette hidden by my seat. 

"Steeeeeve," Mike began shaking Steve's arm causing him to jump slightly. "Wake up, Eddie's tired." 

"Jesus, you couldn't have woken me up and nicer? Yeesh." Steve rubbed his eyes and groaned. 

I look to one of the road signs. "Oh, a rest stop. Let's stop by that. I'm sure you all need to stretch your legs." I take the exit to the rest stop. parking my van quite poorly into one of the spots. 

"Did we make it?" Dustin felt the car stop and looked outside. "Where the hell are we?" 

"Go stretch your legs Henderson." I open the door. Tossing the cigarette to the ground and stomping it out before anyone else saw it. 

Steve made his way over to my side. "How are you feeling? Does your back hurt?" Steve looked me up and down. My foot covered the stomped-out cigarette. 

"I'm okay, just about to pass out at any minute." I spoke truthfully. But it seems Steve could tell something was up. But he didn't end up saying what he thought. I really need to get better with this whole addiction thing. Easier said than done dimwit. 

"Then let's get out of here. I'm pretty sure I saw some dude with a butcher knife." Steve looked around for any eyes, then pressed a kiss to my cheek. "C'mon, you need your rest."

"You worry too much Harrington," I watch Steve get into the car, then make my way to the passenger side. There is someone with a butcher knife. Jesus. "Dustin, Mike get in the car. We're leaving." The two kids hop into the car. I watched the dude with the knife until they were inside the car. The man began walking over to our car. "Steve drive!" I quickly get into the car and locked the door. 

Before the dude could get close to the car. Steve quickly backed out of the spot and drove off. "What the hell was that about?!" Dustin screamed as he looked back at the dude. 

"We could've had our horror movie moment," Steve tried to lighten the mood, but all it did was make Dustin panic more. 

"I don't think I can sleep after that," I put my feet up onto the seat and held my knees. Steve's coat was still on the seat. "Mind if I use this?"

Steve looked over at me. His cheeks got a bit rosy. "Not at all! Go ahead," His eyes darted back to the road. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Goodnight Harrington. Pull over somewhere if you get tired. You can always sleep in the back," I turned my head towards the window and closed my eyes. We'll be there tomorrow. Hopefully. 

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