Chapter 55

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Saturday, April 19, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Steve's Perspective. 

Okay, Munson works an early shift today. This gives me time to prepare. Prepare for what you might ask? Oh, my inner thoughts, you'll see. I took the day off of work. Unless some asshole barges into my apartment. It should just be the two of us. Well....

I hope he likes the gift I have for him. But we don't have time to think about that! We have a date to set up!

I might've gone on a shopping spree, but it'll make my apartment look better in the long run. After grabbing a box of string lights, I began hanging them up. I made sure they all looked perfect. 

Are rose petals too much? Never. I sprinkled them to the dining room table. It's not really what they're meant for but whatever. 

Eventually, I got all the decorations up. The table was set. So far everything looked great. He better love this. Oh shit the food! 

I rushed over to the kitchen and began making the food. The time might be cut close. Those decorations took way longer than it should. But the string lights gave off a red, romantic hue. A candle was sat in the middle of the dining table. And finally, his present was sat in my room. 

A while later. 

"Oh Steeeeeeve! I have news-" Eddie opened the door to see the red mood lighting. "What's this about?" I went out in the outfit I bought back in California. A dress navy blue long sleeve dress shirt and some fancy black dress pants. My hair was pulled back into a tiny ponytail. "You won't give me time to change, will you,"

I went up to Eddie and pulled him inside. "Nope! Then you might see your gift," Wiping the dirt off of Eddie's cheek. 

"Gift huh?" I walked him over to the table and pulled his chair out for him. He moved and sat down. After pushing his chair in, I went off and grabbed the food. When I returned to the table, Eddie looked around. "When can I see this gift?" 

Laying out the food, I responded with, "After lunch.. brunch? One of those," I sat down on the other side. "I promised you a date, so here it is. People would judge us if we went out so why not bring the date here," A small laugh left Eddie. 

"I love it," He smiled up at me. "Can we dig in?" I nod and push a plate forward towards him.

"Let me know how it tastes. Maybe I should become a chef if its good enough," I took a few vegetables onto my plate. 

Time passed and we both were having a blast.

"So, you're telling me a teacher punched a student and said student flew across a table?" Eddie asked while trying to hold in laughter. 

I nod and laugh. "Yeah! In art no less! It was insane!" The two of us finished with our food. "Alright! Time for the moment we have all been waiting for," I run off into the bedroom. Eddie got up to follow me. "Stay! You can't see it yet!"

I pick up the thing and held it behind my back. "What the hell did you get?" I couldn't hide it anymore. 

"Put your hands out." Eddie did so. "And close your eyes," He hesitated for a second, but then closed his eyes. 

I gently placed a small, pure black kitten into Eddie's hands. "You did not-" Eddie looked down. His eyes began watering as he held the cat closer. "I love-.." He checked. "Her!" Eddie went up to me and rested his head against me. Her bright green eyes looked up at the both of us. 

"It's the closest thing to a kid we can get right now. I've gotten all the things we need for her," I wrapped my arms around Eddie. "Rob helped pick her out."

Eddie held her close. "We need a name," 

(Give some suggestions for the cat name if you want !! )

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