Chapter 33

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Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Cabin.

Steve's Perspective

After a very long drive, all of us making back to Hawkins. Signs were stabbed into the ground. Red letters dripped from them. I didn't bother reading them, but if I had to guess it had something to do with demon things. All of us had discussed where he could've been or at least where to start looking.

I pull into the broken house that Hopper and El had stayed at for a while. There was still holes all throughout it from what the mind flayer apparently did. This place needs to be fixed.

I reach over and shake Eddie's leg. "We're here. Want to check the house with me?" I mutter to him. The group that went with us were passed out. Not wanting to wake them up for no reason incase Lucas wasn't there.

Eddie rubbed his eyes and nodded. "I'll uh.. join you in a minute. Let me wake up first." I take his hand into mine and gave it a small squeeze.

"The others will arrive soon." Our hands slowly part as I head out of the door. Upon arriving to the door, there was slight shuffling around. "Hello?" I slowly push the door open. Everything drew silent.

"Shit!" A screeching badger ran out of the cabin right at me. I got out of the way as fast as I could, watching it run past me into the forest. "I guess this area has become a fan of the wildlife." I made my way into the room. Everything was knocked over. A few of the windows seemed to have been boarded up. Well, tried to. It looked like the boards would fall off at any minute. "Lucas? Are you here? It's me, Steve. We're here to help." Everything was still very silent.

"Steve?" I gasped and quickly turned around. It was just Munson.

"Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me," I take a moment to catch my breath. Munson walked off to a random room. The door was blocked off by a dresser. "Do you need help moving that?" Munson nodded and rubbed his eyes. He must still be tired. I begin pushing one side of the dresser as Munson pushed the other side. 

"Go away! We didn't do anything! It wasn't us!" That voice. Lucas. The both of us continue to push the dresser until we could squeeze through. 

"Lucas, it's just us. We are here to help." Once I was through the door, I put my hands up. Two people sat with him. Jason and Patrick. Of course. 

"You. You put a curse on us with your stupid D and D. What did you do to Chrissy?!" Jason got up and grabbed Eddie's shoulders. 

"Let go of him asshole or I'll let you know you're here!" I shouted at him. Patrick pulled Jason away from him. "We are here to help your sorry asses. So, shut the fuck up for once in your goddamn life!" Eddie shuffles to stand behind me while the two of them sat down next to Lucas. "Now, do you want to discuss what happened or pin the blame on anyone else but yourself?" 

Jason glared at the both of us. It was so obvious he hated the fact that he had to rely on us. "We decided to meet up at Benny's Burgers. That abandoned food place. Most of the team was there. We were celebrating the win we had for the basketball team. Me and Chrissy in a room together. That was until she froze. Her eyes glazed over with white. She didn't respond at all. She began rising. Her limbs began snapping when she hit the ceiling. Blood dripped from her eyes as she fell back onto the floor."

"It can't be back-" Everyone gave me a confused look. Everyone but Lucas. It seems he knew the exact same conclusion that I came to. But how? I thought we closed the gate and destroyed what was left. It didn't make sense. 

The rest of the group arrived at the cabin. "Okay. We will get this figured out. But we should also get this place fixed up." Eddie chipped in, then made his way out of the room. 

"The group won't say anything about you being here. Don't worry."

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