Chapter 62

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Friday, April 25, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Eddie's Perspective. 

I was sat alone in the apartment. My workday ended early, and I had nothing else to do. A few of my assignments were sitting in front of me. For some reason I just couldn't focus. "Ugghhh.." I slumped my head onto the table. 

My eyes slowly closed. 

It only took a few minutes before I was somewhere else. I looked around, all I could see was a thick fog. "Hello?" I called out. Trees formed beside me as I started walking. Where the hell was I? 

It seemed to be night. It only took a few minutes before I heard someone. "Dad?! Where did you go? I can't see a thing out here!" It sounded like that kid again. It sounded like me. 

"Hurry up Edward!" The voice was grouchy, grainy even. The voice sounded far. Way off into the fog. I began walking after the voice. When the hell was this?

The kid rushed right past me once more. He had a gun strapped to his back. "Wait! Please!" The boy cried. "Slow dow-"

A gun shot went off. The kid fell backwards out of shock. "Got 'em! Go grab them Ed!" The father shouted. I eventually caught up with the father. He was standing over a deer. The deer's feet twitched in pain. 

"Dad! It's still alive! Why did you-" The kid suddenly popped up beside me. Now his arms were covered in purple. 

"It's fun Ed. Thats why." A rustle made itself audible. I turned around suddenly, and something began charging at us. "Ay!" I turned back due to the shout, and I was sprayed with a shot gun. 

My eyes shot open. Wherever I was shot was stinging. "Eddie?" Steve was shaking my shoulder. "Are you okay? You awoke quite suddenly." I felt Steve hold onto one of my hands. 

"Y-Yeah, just a nightmare is all," I turned my attention back to him. 

Steve watched me for a second. "Are you actually okay? You've had these dream things ever since I've met you." Steve held onto me tighter. His eyebrows furrowed. 

"I don't know... I've always had those dreams. It's like it wants to continuously remind me of my past. How my parents left me. How I almost got shot by my father!" My breathing hitched. No matter how tightly Steve held onto my hands, they were still trembling. 

Steve pulled me into a hug. The two of us just stayed there. Tears flooded from my eyes. "Eddie.. We need to get you help." 

"No!" I quickly pulled away from him. "If I Get help, I'm either sent away or be in debt for the rest of my life!" The last thing I want is to make Steve's life miserable. "I'll be fine. These dreams aren't that bad. I'm used to them at this point."

Steve took my hand once more. "Fine. But if they get worse then we are seeing someone," 

All I could do was slowly nod. No words came to me. 

Sorry for the short chapter! School started up finally and they're pumping out work. I'll try to keep up the story but please be a little patient if I don't post for a day!!

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you might want to see. Character interaction (maybe even ships ;) ) or whatever you like! 

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