Chapter 37

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Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Steve's Perspective. 

We both stood in that closet for at least 30 minutes. But it could've easily been an hour. It was difficult to tell if the cop left. Eddie's hot breath continued to press against my neck. I turn my head up and close my eyes. It took full effort to try and focus on something other than our body's touching. "Ed-"

"-I think it's clear. Seeing how there isn't sound coming from outside," Eddie opened the door to the closet and looked around. "I don't see him." Eddie stepped out of the closet. "Do you need help or are you gonna stay in the closet all day?" He turned back to me. 

"Y-Yeah-" I stepped out, stretching out my limbs. What were we here for-

"We should go back to the office. I'm sure we can still get in." He began walking back towards office. I took a moment to myself to gather my thoughts. How did nothing happen in a situation like that? You see it in movie's all the time that things happen when you're in such a high-tension scenario. 

Fuck. My feet began walking in the direction of Munson. Something didn't feel right. Something was off. "Eddie?" I turned the corner to the office, but he wasn't there. "Eddie!" Where the hell did he go?! 


What the fuck was that?! "Eddie!?" My legs began going faster as I went down the halls. "Please!" I ran right into someone. Looking up I saw...


"Dad.." I took a step back from him. Then another. "Get away-"

"-You are not my son. I should've thrown you out of that window. You should've died a long time ago." His face began to get distorted. No matter how many steps I took, he took twice as much. 


"Get the fuck away from me!" I began running back down the hall. Doing whatever I could to get as far from him.


Suddenly I was face to face with Eddie. "Steve! You need to stop scaring me!" Eddie pulled me into a hug and muttered. "You wouldn't wake up. Your eyes were-" His eyes went wide as he looked up at me. "No- Nononononono!" Water began to fill his eyes. Something clicked into his head that I didn't know. 

"What? What's wrong?" I reach up and cup his face. "Talk to me Munson..."

He shook his head and held onto me tighter. "It's like what Jason said! It can't happen to you! It can't!" Eddie hid his face into my hand. My face went pale in realization. 

"We will find the cure to this. We will find a way out of this. I promise you." I move my hands so I could look Eddie in the eyes. "I promise." Tears dripped from his cheeks. His dark brown eyes staring back into mine. "We need to find those keys. I'm sure there's something in the councilor's room."

"Oh yeah, she writes down everything." Eddie takes my arm and walk to the office once more. Sitting in front of the door, Eddie began trying to pick the lock. "We need to find a cure. You're not dying on me." Him saying that made me hold onto him slightly tighter. 

"You don't have to worry. I'm not going anywhere." Eventually, there was a click and the door was open. "Well would you look at that." The two of us push ourselves up and go inside. 

"If I were a pair of keys, where would I be..." He began searching the office. Sitting down onto the principal's chair. "What? I get to leave this place knowing I am probably the only student to sit in this chair," Eddie moves over slightly and pats the area he made space for on the chair. "C'mon, I can't be the only one to enjoy this," 

A sigh left my lips as I went over to the chair. In an attempt to sit down, I was mostly on Eddie's lap. "This isn't gonna work-" 

I feel Eddie's arms wrap around me. "I'm not complaining." His face pressed into my back. 

"We are supposed to be looking for keys. Not sitting in a chair." I try and look back at them, but it didn't really work. 

Eddie held onto me slightly tighter. "Apart from that like hour in that closet, we haven't had a time like this. Let's enjoy it before... Before it's too late." We both went silent. Not in an awkward way, but more of a peaceful way. Knowing all this upside down stuff might be back is terrifying. Having this calming moment was nice. Something we both needed. "I also think the keys are just." Eddie opens a drawer. "Yep."

There laid the keys. 

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