Chapter 60

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Wednesday, April 23, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Eddie's Perspective. 

It's been a day. Stop looking at this drawing. It was just some weird dream you had during class. You have those all the time. Why is it so different this time?

Maybe because you actually drew something despite having like zero art skill. 

I pushed the drawing to the other side of the table and attempted to get back to the project I was working on. This was one of my final projects for Literature. I need to write a story about myself where I overcame something.

I could write thousands of things, and yet nothing came to mind. Steve sat down across from me, holding a drink in his hands. "Oh hey, this drawing has the same mole as you," He pointed to the neck of the drawing. "Right center on the back," I completely forgot about that mole. My finger traced over the spot. 

"I fell asleep in class, and I saw this child. He seemed important, so I drew him." I looked back down to my paper. It was still blank. I can't just trauma dump in a Literature project. My head slumped into my hands. "I don't know what to write abouuuuuttttt." A groan left me.

Steve pushed himself from his chair and went behind me. Wrapping his arms around my neck. "Overcoming something.. hm," Steves looked down at the blank lined paper. "How about when you were pushed through the window? No names are probably needed and you can get a lot of detail. I can even help with this one," 

I looked up at Steve, pressing a kiss onto his neck. "I'll try not to get too sad with it," Turning my attention back to the paper, I began writing. Steve gave me some space and went off to grab a book. He sat somewhere in the living room. 

I wrote for a good 40 minutes until I felt burnt out. After putting my stuff away, I joined Steve in the living room. I grabbed the book from his hands, put it aside, then sat onto his lap. "I retire from writing. It's hard using big words." 

My face buried into his neck as he wrapped his arms around me. "If you pass this, you will never have to write that sort of thing ever again," Steve muttered softly into my ear. "Only a few more months and then you're out of there." A grin spread across his face. "Thats if you pass enough to graduate,"

"Ay! I will. I have C's across the board. A lot better than last year," My hands slipped up the back of Steve's shirt to keep my hands warm. 

Steve kissed the top of my head. "I am very proud of you for that," A blanket was thrown over the top of us. "So that kid.. It was-" Before he could finish that sentence, there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it," It took me a second, but I eventually got up and went over to the front door. Upon opening it, someone instantly grabbed onto me. "Woah- Dustin? Is everything okay," I carefully held onto him. Glancing over at Steve for a moment. I was lost on what to do.

Soft cried made itself audible. "I-I got into an argument with my mother.. I was wondering if I could spend the night here?" Dustin held onto me tighter. 

I brought Dustin inside and closed the door. "Of course! You can stay over whenever you need. Steve gets quite lonely without his kids," I made my way over to the couch and plopped Dustin down onto it. "You two talk, I'm going to go find some blankets and pillows." 

I rushed off into the bedroom. Searching in the closet, I found an extra blanket. Though I couldn't find a pillow. I'm sure he won't mind. 

I grabbed Steve's pillow from the bed and walked out into the living room. "Okay! If you ever get cold, hit Steve with a shoe. He will get you more blankets," I could feel Steves eyes burning through me. 

"Thank you, you two. I'm sorry about how sudden this is," Dustin looked between the two of us. 

Steve nudged Dustin's arm. "You don't need to apologize for that. You break into our house so often it's like you live here," Steve got up. "Lets get you set up." 

Dustin got off the couch so that we could pull out the pullout. The three of us got the bed set up. "If it's too dark for your liking, you can turn on however many lights you need," Dustin laid down in his bed and smiled up at us. "Goodnight Henderson," 

"Goodnight you guys," Dustin responded. I took ahold of Steve's hand and walked back to the bedroom. 

"Oh yeah, I might've given Dustin your pillow so we will just have to share," Steve sighed, then laughed softly. 

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