Chapter 70

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Wednesday, April 30, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Dustin's Perspective.

I rushed the nearest teacher out to the bench. "Hey!" The teacher shouted. I see Viktor drop Eddie onto the ground, grabbing his things and running off. "Quick, help me get him to the nurse,"

The teacher grabbed Eddie and put him onto their back. I went and grabbed Eddie's things. The three of us made our way to the office.

Eventually we made it. The nurse looked over Eddie. Doing a few checks on him. "He should wake up in the next few minutes. Do you know any parent or someone he lives with to call?"

I quickly nod. "Do you have a phone I can borrow?" The nurse pointed to a nearby phone. I quickly dialed Steve's home number. It didn't take long for for him to pick up. "Hey, can you come by the high school? Eddie needs to be picked up."

My foot began tapping. "Shit," he spoke away from the phone. "I'll be right over." Steve hung up the phone.

I turned to the nurse. "He'll be here soon to pick him up. Thank you for looking over him." I sat down onto the bed that Eddie was laying at.

"We should be thanking you. If you didn't save him when you did, he could've died. So thank you for helping him." The nurse sat back in their chair.

I see out of the corner of my eye that Eddie slowly sat up. "Easy, easy." I quickly put my hand on his shoulder.

"What the hell happened?" Eddie held onto his neck, looking around.

I turned my body to face Eddie. "Someone attacked you. They cut off airflow and you passed out. Steve is on his way to pick you up."

Eddie was frozen for a moment. "How is Steve driving with his leg?" I give him a quick shrug. "Fuck dude." He put his face into his hands.

"Eddie!" Steve rushed over as fast as he could with his cast. "Are you okay? What happened?" Steve's eyes scanned over Eddie.

"I'm fine. Let's just get out of here." Eddie stood up. Using the bed to help him up. "Thank you nurse. I'm sorry to trouble you like this."

The nurse smiled at us. "It's what I'm here for. You should figure out who did that and report it." The nurse waved us bye as we exited.

"This is why I told you not to go after him." Steve sighed and looked over to Eddie, who just looked straight ahead.

Eddie kept touching his neck. "Shut up. I was doing what I had to. I will beat his ass soon." Eddie walked ahead of us.

I turned to Steve. Quietly muttering, "it looked bad. Viktor is just too strong." I looked down at my feet.

Steve didn't say anything. He just kept watching Eddie. "I just want him to be okay. He keeps getting himself hurt."

"You can't really be talking. Look at that leg. Plus didn't you have a lot of shoulder and knee injuries because of your swimming?" Steve glared at me.

A sigh escaped him. "And I still have bad knees." Eddie was waiting at the door. "Sorry, Henderson is being a nuisance." I gasped as loud as I could.

"How could you say that!" I crossed my arms and headed out the door. "You're driving me home now because of that,"

Steve groans and walks off to his car.


Sorry if the formatting is different, I'm writing this on my phone because I let my friend borrow my laptop for a few days. Hope it's not too much of an issue (if any at all)

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