Chapter 66

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Monday, February 12, 1472. D&D World, Pub.

Eddie's Perspective. 

Upon walking into the pub, everyone was looking at me. My face was hidden behind a mask, hair tied back, and my attire was quite dapper. "Do you all have staring problems? Go back to whatever you were doing." I walked up to the bar. Waiting for the old lady to return behind it. 

Before I could order, someone came up to me. A tall, brooding young man. A slight scruff on his chin. "Hello, what is your name? Mine is Viktor," 

Only my eyes turned to the man. "And why should I tell you my name, Viktor?" I leaned against the bar. Looking up at the man. 

Before long, more people joined the group. Various different sizes and gear. Why was everyone suddenly surrounding me? Did I do something to them? 

"Look, I'm not looking for trouble. I just wanted to grab a drink," I put my hands up to prove I wouldn't grab any weapons. But I'm sure none of them believed that. 

They all looked between each other. "So, you're not here to kill us? The guy over there was screaming about it." 

An audible sigh escaped me. "No. Why would I-"

A bang was heard. We all turned to the loud sound. The wall was blown open. Dust filled the room. 

Slowly, something was barely visible in the debris. Whatever the thing was, it slithered its way through the broken wall. All of us were stunned, not knowing what to do. Hissing and clicking sounds were heard from the thing. 

"What the actual fuck is that thing!?" Someone beside me shouted. The thing in question was a deep, bloodied red. Fleshy texture. Hundreds of eyes tracked us. The blob was filled with gurgling mouths. Teeth sharp enough to pierce right through someone. 

"It's a.. What is it called?!" It took them a second to figure it out. "Its a-"

"A Gibbering Mouther." I cut the person off. The person to my right pulled out a bow, while the person to my left pulled out their many knives. 

One careless member on our side charged at the thing with an axe. I would've stopped Viktor, but he was too determined. Viktor missed with his attack. In return, the monster engulfed him. Slowly starting to drain his blood. Viktors screams drowned out with the gurgling of the monster. 

We all turned to each other. "Okay. No one else go near it. Use ranged attacks if you have them." I speak out to the group. "Now, that thing will kill your friend if we don't hurry the fuck up." 

We all turn to the thing. The person with the bow shot at the thing. Landing the hit. The thing screeched in pain. Another member threw their knife at the thing. Doing little damage. But the guy seemed proud of himself anyways. He turned to me with lit up eyes. 

That excitement didn't last for long. A blob was thrown into my face. Blinding me for God knows how long. The dude beside me instantly took ahold of my arm. "Are you okay?" His voice was calming. Smooth. 

"I... should be fine. I just won't be able to see for a while." The man guided me to a chair. 

He seemed strangely worried about me. I hear screaming and cheers in the background. But I had no clue what was happening. "I'm Harrington by the way." I feel his grip tighten around my arm. I felt questionably secure with him. 

"The rogue? I think I've heard about you before." Despite not being able to see him, I could tell he was stunned. "How is the fight going?" 

Harrington took a moment to speak. "Viktor is still in there, but it seems quite weak."

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