Chapter 40

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Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Eddie's Perspective. 

I look at Harrington. Harrington looks at me. "No-" "-Yes-" We both say at the same time. 

"You guys leave me out of everything! Tell me the truth." Henderson huffed at us, crossing his arms. Me and Harring both let out a sigh. 

"Henderson. You know how people see people like... that. It's difficult to know who to trust." I hold onto my arm. I could feel my heart beat faster. My breathing hitched. 

Henderson looked between us. "Did you think I would hate you guys just because of who you like?" Henderson looked almost hurt because of that. The fact that we couldn't trust him. Hell, we couldn't trust anyone with it.

"It's just a risky thing to have out. We can be killed for this if the wrong person knows about it." Harrington steps forward towards Henderson. "I'm hoping you understand." Henderson slowly nods. 

"How long have you two been together?" Henderson headed for the window to get out. 

"How long has it been? I think a little over a month now, right?" Harrington looked back at me for correction. 

"A few weeks past a month." I help Henderson out of the window. It was a small window in his defense. "We have yet to go on a date." We both look at Harrington.

"Take this man on a date Steve." Henderson had my back. Once Henderson managed to get out of the window, Harrington followed. 

"Once we're out of this, we'll go on one. You have my promise." Steve grabs my hand once he was out of the window. 

Giving his hand a squeeze in return, I say. "You better." Henderson closed the window and the three of us began walking back to the cabin. It was mostly silent. I think Henderson is still processing everything. So am I. Why Steve? Why him? What did he do to deserve this? 

"Does anyone else know?" Henderson finally broke the silence. 

Steve took a moment to think. "We haven't straight out told anyone, but I'm pretty sure Robin knows." I look over to Steve. I had no clue she knew. I have nothing against her, I just don't know her.

Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Cabin.

The three of us arrived at the cabin. Upon entering, they were all hiding. "We're not cops. We just got back from the school!" Harrington shouts out. Everyone began shuffling out of their hiding spots. 

"Well?" Jason looked between us all. 

Henderson set down his bag and pulled out the files. "We found out that Chrissy and Fred were both suffering with the same thing. I don't know how this will help but we have that information." Steve muttered most of the sentence. "Whatever is doing this seems to thrive on trauma." 

Jason looked through Chrissy's file. "Nono- This isn't my Chris. She would've come to me if she was going through this!" Jason shouted at us. "I knew I shouldn't trust you-"

Before he could finish that sentence, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Vicky all return. "We think we found some sort of cure-"

"-What is it?" I quickly interrupt them. If this can save Steve's life, I need to know instantly. 

"Yeesh, okay. We think it has something to do with music. When we were interviewing Victor, he started humming 'Dream a Little Dream of Me.' And people there were listening to music to like calm themselves I believe." Buckly spoke. 

"Harrington, we need to go do something." I head towards the door. He was confused for a second but soon followed. 

Once we we're outside, Steve spoke up. "What is this about, Munson." I went to my van. Searching for the vinyl's we bought back in the mall; I went through my entire van. "What are you doing?" 

"I am finding your cure!" I think he could tell I was frantic. I couldn't find it. "Fuck it! We're going to your apartment! Get in the van!" Steve froze up because of my yelling. "Please!" He quickly got in after that. I got into the driver's seat. I hastily pull out of the driveway, almost hitting some trees. 

"What has gotten into you? Why are you freaking out so much?!" Steve eventually shouted back at me. 

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE, STEVE!" My hands were shaking on the wheel. I could already feel tears leave my eyes. 

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