Chapter 73

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Sunday, May 4, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Police Station.

Steve's Perspective.

"You don't understand! He would never run off somewhere without telling me!" The officer stared blankly at me. Not even bothering to write down what I was saying. We had been here for a few hours.

The officer sat up and pushed up his glasses. "Look, he's like 19. 19-year old's run off and do stupid things. From the sounds of it, he's likely staying at a friend's place." The officer sighed.

Before he could say anything else, I spoke up. "Look into Viktor Hill. He attacked Eddie a day before he went missing. Nearly killing him." My hands were violently shaking. Where the fuck is Eddie?!

"Kid, those are some very life changing rumors-"

"-Talk to the nurse of the Highschool! Talk to Dustin Henderson! There's also a teacher that helped Eddie! They are a firsthand witness! They saw Viktor attack Eddie!" The officer finally began writing things down. "Please. All I ask is that you find him. He is trying to graduate. I don't want to find him dead before graduation."  

The officer looked down at his paper, then up to me. "We will send someone out to his place to figure something out," The officer stood up. "Be careful out there,"

"He is quite strong. So maybe bring a few people. I don't know what he's truly capable of." I got out of my chair and headed for the door. 

Robin was waiting for me. She turned to me. Being hesitant for a moment, but then ran up and hugged me. "We'll find him." It took me a moment, but I soon hugged her back. My eyes watered over. Holding onto her tighter. 

I rested my face into her shoulder. "I hope so. I want to make that fucker pay.." Robin let go of me. 

"Let's get you home. You need the rest," Robin took my arm and went to head out of the police station. 

The phone began ringing. For some reason my feet froze. I heard voices mutter as they answered it. It was only a matter of minutes before some officers rushed out of the building. "What the fuck..." I watched them. "C'mon."

I rushed out to my car, Robin followed. I quickly got into the car and drove after them. Following them until the road stopped. All the cops spread out and began searching. More vehicles followed behind us. 

One of the cops shouted and others went to the sound. I got out of the car and went out to where the cops gathered. Right in front of a building. My crutch almost fell from my arm. 

"What are you guys doing here?! It could be dangerous!" A cop shouted at the both of us. 

I turned my attention away from the building. "If that's my friend, I need to save him!" 


Due to things going on in my life, I will be trying to post every other day. I hope that works for you all! Have a good day!

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