Chapter 6

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Steves Perspective

Sunday, February 11, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Sinclair's Household.

"Where does Sinclair live again? I can never remember." My eyes scan every house we pass. Looking for the right house. "Do we even know if he's home? Likely he's out with his friends and we're going to run into-" 

"Erica." The whole car mutters as they stare at her. Everyone but Eddie who's never met her. I pull over and parked the car. It was Erica with the jocks? Where was Lucas?

"Just sit in here for a minute and I'll figure out what's happening." I open the door and close it behind me. Making my way to the group, Jason looks to me first. 

"Well, if it isn't Steve Harrington." The rest of the group all turn their gaze to me. "What business does Steve Harrington have here?" Just the way he says my name gets engraved into my head Like an endless fire alarm. Constantly ringing in my ears. 

"Look, it doesn't have anything to do with you. I just need to sort out some issues with Sinclair. So, mind your own damn business. I'm not yelling about your reason to be here, am I?" I do my best to look intimidating. Having a decent height advantage. "So where is he?" I look over to Erica. 

"All high and mighty Steve Harrington as always." Jason grabs me by the shirt, causing me to look back over to him. "You're nothing but a fucking doormat." In the distance, you can hear the car door opening and someone running over. 

"Let him go asshole!" Eddie comes in and just socks Jason in the face. Jason instantly letting go of my shirt and falling to the ground. I look over in shock to see Eddie just staring at his bloodied rings. 

"Don't just stand there!" Jason orders his goons. He held onto his cheek that was cut open. The goons all run up and grab us both. Despite being taller than all of them, I couldn't get them off of me. A few of them also holding Eddie who was kicking and yelling. 

Erica had run into the house at this point to get help. 

Jason finally pushes himself off the ground and walked up to Eddie first. Spitting in his face, then followed it with a punch. Bruising his cheek bone almost instantly. "Stop! Leave him be!" I shout at them. But no one listened. The kids and Robin watching in terror from the car.

Jason continuously punches Eddie in the gut or face. Anywhere that he could get a clean hit. Sirens started making themselves audible in the distance. Jason ends the exchange with a pocketknife. Flipping it open and shanking Eddie in the side. Making him scream in agony. "Let's get out of here." Jason removed the knife. Wiping the blood off on Eddie's shirt. Then the goons drop him. Letting me go as well as they took off. 

"Eddie! Hey! Stay with me!" I quickly ruck to his side and pick him up. Running him into the Sinclair household. The door being unlocked from Erica. Mike, Dustin and Robin soon follow after us. 

I lay Eddie on the dining room table. Erica came over to us with medical supplies, setting them on the table. "Hang in there Eddie." He groans in response. I push up the blood-soaked shirt. "Someone get him a rag! This is going to hurt like shit." Robin rushed to the kitchen and retrieved one. She then gently put the rag into Eddie's mouth. Robin then took one of Eddie's hands, giving it a squeeze. 

"You're going to be okay Eddie," Robin reassures. She looked over at me for a second, then nods. I take a small breath, then start cleaning the wound. Eddie's screams muffled through the rag. Tears dripped from his eyes. His legs kicking with each wince. Dusin and Mike go over to his legs to hold them down, making him hold still. "You're doing so well. It'll be over soon," 

Once the wound was clean, I start wrapping a bandage over his torso. Then securing the bandage in place. "That should hold for now. But we should keep a close eye on it." I pull the shirt back down over the bandage. "Can you help me get him to the couch?" I look over to Robin who nods in response. The two of us wrap Eddie's arms onto our shoulders and carry him to the couch. Gently laying him down. "Get some rest now Eddie. You need it." 

"Steve... Can you please stay next to me?" Eddie speaks in his weakened voice. I sit down on the ground next to the couch. Carefully taking Eddie's hands into my own. 

"I'll stay here as long as you need Munson." I take a quick look around. Everyone else was talking to each other. So, while I had the chance, I press a kiss into his palm. Resting my face into it.

Sirens got closer until there was a knock at the door. "It's the police! Open up!" Mike makes his way over to the door. Slowly twisting the doorknob. He looked up and his eyes went wide.

"It can't be-"

It's Just a Favor || SteddieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora