Chapter 5

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Eddie's perspective

Sunday, February 11, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's House

My eyes shot open as I awoke in a cold sweat. That recurring nightmare hits once again. I look around the unfamiliar setting. Steve must've left at some point to check up on the others. I press my palms to my eyes to rub the crust out of them. I slowly arise from the bed, pushing the blankets off. I look down at myself and look at the sweat soaked into my shirt. Surely Steve wouldn't mind if I borrowed a shirt. I would ask but I don't want the others to see me in this condition. 

I pluck a shirt off the ground. Not really helping the whole "clean" condition. But its close enough. I then grab the back of the shirt that I was wearing and pulled it clean off. Taking a deep breath with my eyes closed. My eyes drifted to the scars on my torso and arms that had accumulated throughout the years. "Dumbass." Is the only word I could mutter to myself. 

With enough staring, I throw on the shirt. Before I could overthink more things, I start hearing commotion coming from downstairs. I start making my way to the source of the sound. "Henderson?" I look to the front door to see Dustin standing there, winded. Everyone's eyes were suddenly on me. "What?"

"weren't you wearing that shirt yesterday before our shift Steve?" Robin looks between the two of us with a slight grin growing on her face. 

"It doesn't matter- Henderson, why are you here?" We all turn our attention to Dustin who eventually caught his breath. 

"Lucas is in trouble. He's hanging out with the jocks and acting like I don't even exist. I would've just brought it to your attention, but it seems you had a party in which I wasn't invited." Dustin put his hands on his hips. "Even Mike is here! I get Eddie, but Mike?" 

Steve looked down at Dustin. "Maybe Lucas is just going through a phase of some sorts. Also, how would I even help with this?" Steve moves out of the doorway to invite Dustin in. 

"First of all, Lucas acts completely normal whenever he's not with those asshats. But when he is it's like he just becomes one of them! And second, you did sports last year so I thought they'd respect what you would hypothetically say." Dustin rambled slightly. 

"I can beat them up for you Henderson," I interrupt. "I mean, that's been my ultimate goal in that hell hole. That and actually graduate." I mutter the second part to myself mostly. "They're complete dicks that loooove kicking the shit out of people. so, why not just give a little back to them." 

Mike and Dustin both nod in agreement with the statement. "No! No! We're not beating anyone up! If they deserve it or not, fighting them won't change anything. It'll just create more problems." Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. "Have you talked to Max about any of this?" 

"Max? Well, she probably wouldn't be bothered by this news. The two of them haven't spoken to each other since the beginning of the year." Mike answered. 

"Guys, I'd love for your friendship circle to be fixed, but being without food for too long will only make me slightly more annoying and I'm sure you wouldn't like that. Can we please discuss this over breakfast?" Robin spoke up from the back. 

"It's actually more like lunch. It's almost noon." Dustin pushed his way into the house and began looking for food. Giving Mike a small glare as he passed him. "You smell awful." Mike rolled his eyes in return. 

"I don't think I have enough food in this house to feed all of you guys, so let's just drive and get something. Does that work for everyone?" Mostly everyone nodded at Steve. "Then grab your shit because we're likely not coming back." Robin and Mike went off to grab their bags they came with. Leaving Me, Steve and Henderson. 

There was an awkward silence between the three of us. All of a sudden, Dustin spoke up. "Sooooo, what made this group get together?" Dustin crossed his arms and looked between the two of us. 

"A party in the woods. Nance made me and Robin drive that dipshit to it. Thats where we or I met up with Eds." Steve leaned against the doorframe. Waiting for the others to hurry up. 

"Eds?" I let out a soft laugh at the nickname. Covering my mouth soon after. All I got was a death glare from Steve. 

"It's good to see my two father figures getting along," We both look at each other, growing red in the faces. Looking to Dustin afterwards. "What? Steve looks over me like all of the time, and you Eddie looks over me at school. So, I should say guardians but fathers sound funnier," Dustin explained. I could hear Steve let out a relieved sigh, and I did the same. "It is odd that Eddie is wearing your shirt, Steve." The tension instantly went back to us.

"I accidently fell in the lake at the party and Harrington being the kind soul he is let me borrow his shirt. There's nothing strange about it." I quickly spin up an excuse so the group would get off my case about it. "What the hell is taking them so long!" I start growing impatient. 

"Maybe Mike got sick again. Go check up on them Henderson." Steve ordered. 

"What?! You're the adult here! you go and check up on him!" Steve didn't respond to Dustin's bitching and just stared at him. "GOD! Fine!" He then stormed off to find the two.

"It's just us again Harrington." I smile over to him. He walks up to me in return. 

"What's the real reason with the shirt Munson." Steve looked down at me. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. You can have it back once this problem with the kids is solved." I give Steves chest a small pat, then leaned up into his ear. "You could be the one to remove it," I softly mutter into his ear. Hearing footsteps becoming audible which causes us to back away from each other. 

"Boom! I found them," Dustin quickly makes his way out of the door. "Let's go!! This is urgent!" he yells out to everyone. 

Everyone soon follows Dustin out to the car. "Shotgun!" I run out and hopped into the passenger side. I just see Robin put her head into her hands.

"There is no way in hell I'm sitting in the middle." Robin makes her way to the car soon afterwards. Dustin and Mike do a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who ends up in the middle. Dustin ultimately loosing. 

While that was happening, Steve made his way to the driver's side and started the car. "Hurry up! We don't have all day!" he shouts at the two of them. With that being said, they drive off to Sinclair's home. 

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I was very tired when I started writing so I hope you all don't mind. I'm starting to have a better picture on what to do with this now and I hope you fellas will like it. Bye!

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