Chapter 50

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Sunday, March 31, 1986. Hawkins Indiana Upside-down. Woods. 

A while prior. 

Eddie's Perspective.

I took the knife from my pocket and sliced the bats tail off. I scramble back to my feet and run more. I could hear the others in the distance get quieter. And quieter. Then quiet. All I could hear was the bats screeching. 

One of the bats latched onto my neck. My breath getting cut short. Gasping out to try and get more air but another bat latches onto my side. With what air I had, I screamed out in pain. I fell to one of my knees. Another one latched onto the other side. 

I couldn't do anything. The one on my neck kept pulling. I tried to stab them off but to no avail. 

I reached down into my pocket. The Molotov Cocktail. I pull it out with one hand, my other grabbing my lighter. Setting it ablaze, I threw it onto the ground beside me. 

The bats screeched more and let go. Flying off to get as far as possible. Fuck. They really don't like fire. 

Blood fell from my mouth. All I could taste was iron. Watching the fire burn for a second, then my eyes drifted to my wounds. I felt my neck. This will take a while to heal. 

I took my shirt off and wrapped it around my waist. Wincing at how tightly I tied it. Eventually, I sat down onto the ground. Watching the fire spark. This won't last too long. I need shelter. I should try and make my way back to the cabin. They can help there. 

Watching the fire die down slightly, I got up a while after and slowly began walking. I believe it's this way. I clutched onto my wound. One foot in front of the other. Keep moving. Keep your balance. C'mon Munson. Make it back for them. For Steve. 

My knee buckled from underneath me, causing me to tumble to the ground. Get up. Get up Munson!

My arms and legs felt so weak. I could barely breathe. My vision just got past a few trees in front of me. Everything else was a blur. How far did I run? 

...Talking? I hear talking. Were they back? Can they see me? I don't have the voice to call out. That means I must be close if they're here. 

I got my foot up. Using my arms to help push myself up. Standing. My breathing felt so loud. I hear someone yelling. Struggling. It sounded like Dustin. "Cou..... ously..... Hurt!"  Was all I could make out. Did he get injured? 

Knowing that, it gave me slight power to keep pushing. The others seem long gone at this point. But footprints stood in front of me. Some went left. Others went right. I think their voices went right. 

Following the footprints on the right, the cabin's silhouette was in the distance. I'm almost there. Almost safe. 

I found myself taking faster footsteps. The cabin began getting bigger. So close. 

My hand clutched onto the doorframe once I was there. Which room was it? I glanced into each room. Trying to find the portal. The last room I checked had the mattress on the ground. I nearly trip over my feet as I grab onto the rope.

Wait. How the fuck do I pull myself up? 

I look around. A chair happened to be in the same room. After dragging it over I stood on it. It gave me a little extra height. A sigh escaped my lips. 

I can do this. 

I kept telling myself that.

I can do it. 

My hands wrapped around the rope and I started pulling myself up. I got closer to the other side until I was there. Flipping over and sticking the landing. 

The impact made me let out a wince. Grasping onto my wound as I started heading for the door. 

Whatever sounds I heard beforehand went quiet. Everything was so quiet. That was until I made a loud thud. Hitting the floor once again. The pain was getting too much. I couldn't even catch my breath. 

I hear shuffling coming from outside. "Dustin stop! What if it's one of those bat things!" I hear someone shout. It was very muffled. 

Light soon hit my face. Dustin stood before me. "Eddie!" He rushed to my side. "Are you okay?!" Everything started going blank before I could tell who stood in the doorway. 






Everything went black. 

How long was I out for? As I started opening my eyes, people were arguing. It was all cut off by, "Guys! Shut up! He's awake!" Robin was beside me. "How are you feeling?" 

"...I'm okay.." I could barely get out. It hurt to speak. It still felt like I had blood in my mouth despite not having any. 

Steve rushed to my side. "Eddie! Thank God you're awake!" Robin backed off. She motioned for others to get out of the room so they could talk. I assume so at least. "Dustin told me how you basically saved them." 

Steve took my hand. I barely had enough energy to hold it back. "D-Did you all destroy.. Th..That thing?" Our eyes met. I'm glad to be back here. Safe. I never want to go back. 

Steve nodded. "We think so. It is at least very hurt. From what they said, they hurt it pretty badly. Hopefully it'll be gone for a while, if not good." Steve held my hand tightly. "Get some rest now. You need it." 

With that being known, I fell asleep. 

Steve wouldn't leave my side for the rest of the day.

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