Chapter 4

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No Perspective

Saturday, February 10th, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's House. 

"I might've been held back a few years, but I just get to delay adulthood." Eddie gave Steve a small pat on the chest. "Also, the kids always need you. I mean, seeing Mike right now really supports my claim. You'll always be the babysitter whether you like it or not," Eddie's eyes slowly began to close. 

Steve looked up at the ceiling. The words that were just spoken to him began sinking in. He hasn't spoken to any of the other 5 kids in weeks. No new story had come up where Steve had to be the babysitter again. Now that El was gone and they closed the gate, was he actually needed anymore? 

"Stop overthinking things and just get some rest. It's been a long night." Eddie softly muttered while half asleep. Repositioning himself to get more comfortable while laying on Steve. 

"Fine, whatever you say boss man," Steve grabbed the closest blanket and wrapped it over the two of them. His arms slowly moving to wrap around Eddie's body. "Erm... Eddie? I have a quick question. I-It's a very strange question and you obviously don't have to answer. But why did you kiss back?" Steve tried to hide his face after he asked that. 

"Why? Who wouldn't want to kiss Steve Harrington? And also, I could never stop looking at you when you were in high school. You never saw me of course. You were quite distracted with Nancy Wheeler. Which is completely understandable. Smart, good looking, strong, the list goes on. Even with that, I still had a small hope that one day you would notice me. Thats why I wanted to be your partner for the project last year. Sorry, I'm rambling far too much for someone who wants to sleep," Eddie looked up and saw Steve staring at him in disbelief. 

"Is that all true? I guess I just never noticed you before that project." Steve's voice was soft and calming. "I'm sorry I never noticed you." Steve slowly reached up and cupped Eddie's cheek. Pressing a kiss into his forehead soon after.

"It's really not your fault. I was the complete opposite of popular. Even you probably thought 'The Freak' once you saw me today. Right?" Eddie closed his eyes once again. Leaning into his touch. "I'm just glad I got this moment with you." A smile grew on Eddie's face. "Now you're required to go to my graduation." After that was said. Eddie drifted off to sleep.

"Well, I would've been there anyways. But I'll make sure I'm there just for you," Steve gently traced shapes into Eddie's back. But Eddie was right, that's exactly what he thought when he saw him. Everything always goes back to titles and its painful in most ways. 

Steve couldn't get much sleep after that. Just sitting alone with his thoughts. He did eventually fall asleep, but it took tens of minutes. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter! I was quite busy today, but I still wanted to get something out. Bye!

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