Chapter 31

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Tuesday, March 26, 1986. California. Mall.

Eddie's Perspective.

God, all of this stuff is so expensive. How can anyone afford this. I can barely handle rent let alone clothes here. "Munson! What do you think?" Harrington walked out of a dressing room. He was wearing a button-down shirt with ripped jeans. Fucking Christ. 

"L-Looks good Harrington," I could feel my face heating up and I think he noticed as well. 

"Then I'll get it. Just for you," He went back into the room to change back into his clothes. I am doomed. I look over to a nearby racks and flip through the clothes. None of which were my style, but they were interesting to look through. Interesting enough to keep my entertained while waiting for Harrington. 

He suddenly appeared beside me. Speak of the devil. "Ready to check out? You seem to have a great party outfit planned out now." His hair was slightly unkept. Probably due to the clothes. 

"What? I figured I should try out a new style. One that you also like," He nudged me slightly. 

"Let's just get this paid for dumbass," I drag him over to the cashier to which he paid for his things. "Now let's go check out the Records store!" I took him by the arm and went searching for the store. "Jesus H Christ this place is huge." 

"No kidding. I could get lost." People filled the entire mall from wall to wall. Trying to find the kids in this mess would be impossible. Hopefully they're alright. 

"Ha! There it is! Let's go!" My smile was ear to ear. "Anyone could win over my heart with this stuff." I began flipping through the vinyl's to find some that would know. "Dio! I need you to listen to these! They're so much better than the stuff you listen to. I'm sorry but it's the truth." 

"I can't believe you just said that to me. I have great taste in music thank you very much." Harrington looked through his own section. I glanced over at him. 

"Oh, this is war now. I'll get you to like my music one way or another." I began looking for my favorites. Knowing my budget wasn't much I had to pick wisely. Black Sabbath? Its good but I could pick better. Iron Maiden! Piece of Mind was a great album. 

I decide on Metallica's Garage Inc album. Harrington was still deciding. He was holding Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret by Soft Cell. "Fan of the good ol 'Tainted Love,' huh?" I nudge his shoulder. 

"What can I say? I've delt with a lot of one-sided love," He glanced over to me, then went back to picking out his song. 

"C'mooooon we don't have all day, Steve Harrington. We need to meet up with the kids soon to check in." He sure was taking his time with the choice. "You really want to prove your taste don't-cha," 

"I need to make sure it's a good pick." He ended up grabbing A Day at the Races by Queen. "I can't wait to show you how much better my music taste is. But if I'm not mistaken, you have yet to make me a mixtape. Are you scared I will judge it?" He's got me beat there.

"Being in the hospital really screwed up the whole being able to record the mixtape. I'll make it when we get back," I walk past him to buy the vinyl. He waited in line after me. Though some random girl started chatting him up. Did he know her? They're standing awfully close.

"Sir? Are you gonna pay or what?" 

"Right! Sorry." I dig my wallet out of my pocket and hand him the due amount. I grabbed the bag that the Vinyl was in and stood to the side. Waiting for Steve to finish. The girl he was with was obviously flirting with him. Why the hell was he still talking to her. 

What the fuck am I saying. I sound like a possessive partner. I really am pathetic. I turn away from the two of them. I then see Henderson walking outside. Where was everyone else. "Henderson!" I called out and tried to catch up to him.

"Hey! Eddie! Wait up!"

I will be gone for a few days so I will try to make the next chapter extra-long to make up for it. I hope you're enjoying this!

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