Chapter 58

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Tuesday, April 22, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Hawkins High.

Eddie's Perspective. 

Jason turned himself in yesterday. It was all over the news. Even though I told him to do it, part of me thought he wouldn't do it. Telling him to do that was probably wrong. At least Lucas got to go back to school after a lot of talking with the police. 

Speaking of which, Lucas was walking a little ahead of me. Everyone was staring at him. Not wanting him to be completely isolated, I walked a little faster and wrapped my arm around hi neck, pulling him into a side hug of sorts. 

"Welcome back Lucas. Are you ready for another campaign after school today?" Lucas tensed up slightly. 

It seemed he didn't know what to say. "Sorry Eddie... I just don't think I'm up for it right now." He pushed my arm off of him. "It's nothing against you, I just... it's a bad time right now." Lucas clutched onto the straps of his bag. "If you don't mind, I'm going to class-" 

Lucas quickly left. It's probably best to leave him alone right now. I do hope he is doing alright. 

Shit, I'm late to class- 

No one else was in the hallway with me. I quickly rushed off to math. The teacher looked to me once I was in the doorway. "Late as always Munson. Take your seat." They turned back to the board and continued writing. 

I rushed back to the corner of the room. The furthest point from the teacher's desk. Instead of paying attention to what was happening on the board, I just pulled out a piece of paper and doodled on it. 

My eyes zoned out as I continued to draw. It felt like I was about to just slump over. My eyes felt heavy. Eventually I did. I fell asleep sitting up. 

"Hello?" I was stood on a beach. "Where.. am I?" I turned around. I was just surrounded by sand and water. The fizzing water brushed against my feet. The sun at golden hour. This place, it felt oddly familiar and yet, I couldn't figure out why. 

"Edward! It's getting late!" A woman called out. "We have to go home!" No matter where I looked, I couldn't find the source. 

A kid suddenly rushed through me. "Coming mom!" The kid with buzzed black hair ran off. Holding a bucket and a small shovel in his hands. Sand sticking to his feet with each step. The kid looked no older than 5. His build was small and frail. His legs and arms colored with blue and purple. 

Before I could think anymore, my feet chased after the kid. I wanted to know more about him. Why was he so far from his mother? And why did he have so many bruises? No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't catch up. 

Out of nowhere, the kid vanished. The world around me vanished. Everything went white. All I could hear were whispers. I decided to follow. 

"Mom? Where are we going? Home is the other way.." It was the kid's voice. His voice cracked mid-sentence. "Uncle?" My body began to shiver. Everything felt cold. "Mom? Where are you going? Mom!" 

My eyes shot open to the sound of the bell. I looked down. It was a messy sketch of the kid. Everyone around me got up and left. I rushed to grab my things and threw them into my bag. 

What the fuck just happened? Those voices, that place. Where was it? 

"Eddie!" I turned around to see Dustin. "Can we move the campaign to another day? I have a lot of work to do. So does Mike," Dustin looked up at me, he looked terrified to ask. 

It took me a moment, but I eventually nod. "Yeah, I'm not feeling the best either, so it works out. Can you guys help me tell the others?" My head started feeling light. I think Dustin noticed how unwell I looked. 

"You should really drink some water. You really don't look well," He's right, water is the cure to everything. "I better get to class. You should too before you're late," Dustin waved and ran off. 

I went to the closest water fountain and got some water. I've always hated using these things, they're disgusting. But I really need the water so who am I to complain. 

Afterwards, I hurried off to class. 

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