Chapter 52

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Monday, April 7, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Steve's Apartment.

Steve's Perspective. 

Where the hell is he? He said he would be right over when school ended. Did something happen to him? God, I hope not. 

I sat in a chair by the window, watching the parking lot. His van was nowhere to be seen. A sigh escaped me. Grabbing onto one of my crutches, I pushed myself up and headed for the phone. As I went to dial the Munson residents, I hear the door click open. 

Before I could turn around, someone's arms wrap around me. Just from the hands alone I could tell it was Munson. "It seems someone's excited to see me," I turn around. Huh?

Eddie's eyes were full of tears. "That thing can't come back!..." He cried into my chest. All I could do was hold him back as tightly as I could.

"Woah, hey. Talk to me," I slid my hand up his arm and held onto his hand. His puffy, red eyes looked up into mine. He took a moment to calm down. 

"I must've accidentally taken something. Something a lot stronger than I meant to." His eyes drifted from mine. "It's like I went back to the other side. Like that thing we tried to kill tried to grab me." 

I slowly guided Eddie to the couch. Sitting down on it, he sat down next to me. Our arms were wrapped around each other. "Nothing will happen to you as long as you're here," My voice was as soft as possible. 

Eddie slowly began to calm down. His breath getting quieter. "Steve.." He pushed himself up. Our eyes locking once more. "Make me forget our world. Even if it's only for a few hours." I felt his hand trail up my body. The rings were so cold on my body. It sent shivers down my spine. 

As much as I wanted to. "You need to eat first. If I'm guessing right, you didn't eat lunch. Am I right?" Eddie's stomach agreed. Growling loud enough for both of us to hear. "Exactly. We can do whatever you wish once you eat something," 

Eddie got off of me, pulling me up as well. "Then let's hurry! I can only wait so long for dessert!" He dragged me off to my small curtain. 

"Careful! Careful. I can only go so fast!" Eddie started looking through the fridge. Trying to find whatever was easiest. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" I leaned back against the counter. 

"Dick sounds fantastic right about now." He looked back at me. "But alas, I have to wait! But how long can I wait?" Eddie closed the fridge, then looked in the cabinets. "Spaghetti is close enough." 

After grabbing the box of pasta, he read the instructions. "I don't know if I have all the ingredients, but we can see," I opened the cabinet near me and pulled out a measuring cup. "You might need this." 

Eddie was back in the fridge looking for ingredients. "Oh? Are you not going to help me?" 

"I will be here for moral support. It's punishment for making me worry about you," I set the cup down onto the counter and watched Eddie cook. "By the way," I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Pulling him closer to me. His back rested against me. "Isn't your interview for that job tomorrow?" 

His eyes kept on the pot. "Yeah. I'm a tad nervous." He looked up at me. "I've been thinking about getting this job for ages. Yeah, the whole drug dealer thing pays somewhat well. But it's not enough to pay back Wayne for those hospital bills. I want him to live a happy life. I've basically screwed that up for him."

"Hey," I pressed a kiss onto his cheek. "You did not screw his life up. Your parents are the assholes for ditching you. Most parents suck ass! Hell, I heard Wheeler's mom tried to hook up with Billy Hargrove," 

Eddie was quiet for a moment. "Is it bad that... I still want to meet my parents? They're horrible people, I know that. And yet, I still want to know why they decided to leave me with nothing," Eddie held onto himself more. 

"Maybe someday we can find them. I might want to shank them, but it depends on how I'm feeling," I managed to get Eddie to crack a smile. 

"Doofus," He turned around and pressed a kiss onto my lips. 

The door rang moments after. 

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