Chapter 24

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Saturday, March 23, 1986. California. Byer's Household.

Will's Perspective.

The group should be arriving soon, right? Break started only the other day. Maybe they didn't head out immediately. It was about 8 am. I was the only one awake in the house. Was Jonathan even home? I think he stayed out with Argyle last night. 

I sat up from my bed. Looking over to the painting that I spent far too many hours on. A small groan left my lips as I stood up. Standing above the painting. I began to have doubts. Should I have made this? Will he even like it? What if he- Stop Will! I'm sure he'll like it. I grab the painting and rolled it up. I put it into a tube to keep it safe.

After setting it to the side, I went out into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. My eyes glimpsed over the fridge. All the random things its gathered throughout the year. I notice something out of the corner of my eye. A van? I walk up and peek through the curtain. A man I've never seen before was in the driver's seat. 

Assuming who it was, I put the curtain back and go to El's room. "Hey El," I knock on the door. "I think they're here." I hear her shuffle around. I step away from her room and head towards the front door and head outside. 

The guy I've never seen before notices me first. "Hey! If it isn't the kid I've heard so much about!" He goes up to be and wraps one of his arms around my neck. His long hair engulfed my face. 

"Eddie! God-" Someone got out of the backseat. I felt my heart race faster. That was until I heard El come out of the house. I felt myself try and suppress whatever feelings had arisen. 

"Mike!" El shouted and ran up to him. I couldn't even watch. What is this feeling?

"So, Will the Wise. I heard you were quite the creative one. I'd love to see one of these campaigns of yours. Maybe we can even teach this Steve guy how to play," I guess this dudes name was Eddie. He pointed over to the very noticeably tired Steve. 

Dustin pushed past Steve and ran up to me. "Will! I was getting so bored hearing Mike nonstop ramble," Dustin was here?

"I didn't know you were coming. How's it going?" Steve joined our small group. Leaving Mike and El alone together. 

"God you guys have a whole group out here. C'mon inside. I'll make breakfast," Mom calls from the front door. We all turn and look at her then shuffle our way inside. "Thank god Jonathan and Argyle aren't here. We wouldn't have room," Joyce goes to the kitchen to cook. 

"Argyle?" Steve muttered. He probably thought we couldn't hear him. 

"He's one of Jonathan's friends. They're usually out getting high," I see Eddie perk up a bit when I said that. "He'll be home at some point." Should I have told them that?

I happen to glance across the table. Mike and El have yet to stop talking to each other. Had Mike even said anything to me? Why do I care. I mean, it's only been a year, but he could've at least said hi. 

As if it was comedic timing, both Jonathan and Argyle come bebopping through the front door. Both noticeably high. How can they be high this early in the morning. 

"Woah, is there like a party going on here?" Argyle looks between all the new people. Jonathan does the same.

"Steve Harrington? What on earth are you doing here?" Jonathan goes up to our side of the table. 

"I helped drive the kids here. Us four should go out and do something." Steve was clearly not trying to start up anything with Jonathan. Jonathan seemed slightly relieved about something. And thinking about it, why wasn't Nancy here? I mean, she probably would've wanted to see Jonathan. But I feel like he wouldn't want her to see him in this state. 

"We could like hang out in my van tonight and do something brochachos," Argyle sat down at the table. "I've got something I'm sure you'd love to try," 

"You've got me intrigued." Eddie stared at Argyle. I guess he was also addicted. Great. And yet again, I was kicked to the side and ignored. Sounds about right.

I do keep catching Mike glimpsing over at me. What was that about?

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