Chapter 59

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Tuesday, April 22, 1986. California. Byers Household.

Will's Perspective. 

Despite that call being a few days ago, it felt as if my heart was still pounding. Mike rarely calls me, let alone a heart to heart like that. It was like he genuinely wanted to talk to me. 

This pulling feeling made its self known in my chest. Should I really be this happy when El is feeling like shit? She hasn't left her room much since the breakup. I was in the room when it happened. Over call as well. It was extremely awkward. 

I felt so bad for her, but there was still that part of me that was happy. I hated that part of me. 

Eventually, I turned my attention back to the painting I was working on. I have something wrong with me. I knew exactly what I was painting. 

Two kids sitting on a swing set with a blue sky looming over them. Why wouldn't he leave my mind? 

I need to get away from this. From him. I throw my brush into a cup of water and left my room. The phone began ringing as if it was on cue. "Can you get that!" A sigh escaped my lips, just audible enough for me to hear. 

Picking up the phone- "-Hello? Is Jonthan home? I need to speak to him." Nancy? I really can't get away from the Wheeler family. 

"No, he just left a little bit ago. Do you want me to pass him a message when he gets back?" I leaned against the wall, moving the phone to the other ear as I did so. 

It was silent for a second. Quiet enough for me to hear Mike's muffled voice in the background. I didn't even notice Nancy was talking again. "...I probably won't have to wait too long. Thank you though. Bye," The call was then ended. 

Her voice, it sounded upset. Was she doing okay? I mean, everyone basically ignored her towards the end of the trip. Both sides of the argument make sense. I just hope Eddie is doing well. I'll have to ask the next time I can. 

I hung the phone back up. El walked out of her room. Her hair was messily tied back, she was wearing a black shirt under a baggy flannel and some sweatpants. 

"Hey El, I'm pretty sure dinner is almost done," I slipped my hands into my pockets as I spoke. El barely looked up at me, though she still gave me a warm smile. 

Her eyes turned to the kitchen for a moment. "What are we having?" Her arms crossed. 

"I.... Actually, don't know," I went up to El and pulled her into a hug. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to give her a hug. "Are you doing well?" 

El was hesitant for a moment, but then hugged me back relatively tightly. "I don't know.." I felt her hands grip onto the back of my shirt.

I let go of her slightly. "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help in any way," She gave me a small nod. 

Just then, mom called us to dinner. "Now we can see what it is." A laugh escaped El's lips. "Race ya!" She then bolted to the kitchen. 

"Hey! No fair!" I followed after her. Alas, she beat me. To our surprise, we were having fish. I probably wouldn't have guessed that for a million years. 

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