Chapter 26

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Saturday, March 23, 1986. California. Walking Paths.

Mike's Perspective.

The four of us decided to go out on a walk to catch up a bit. El hasn't left my side yet. Dustin was rambling on about someone. I honestly couldn't really care about the topic. And Will has been quietly listening on the side. He's only glanced up a few times at us. But most of the time he was looking at his feet or straight ahead. 

A group of people were walking towards us. Will had slowed down slightly when he noticed the group. I could also feel El tense up slightly. Do they know these people? 

"Angela.." El's voice softly mutters. The group stopped in their tracks and looked at us. The one with bleached blond hair stepped out. I'm guessing she's Angela.

"If it isn't Jane," She had a snooty look on her face. "Who's this handsome guy with you?" This Angela person approached me and pinched my cheek. From the corner of my eye, I see Will take a step forward. Did he want to say something. 

"Can you back off?" I push her hand away from my face. The tingle of the pinch lingered. 

"Angela, this is Mike. My boyfriend," El spoke a little louder than before. A strange feeling filled my chest when he said that.

"What a waste. Someone so cute shouldn't be with a snitch." The group of people that Angela was with surrounded us. I go to turn around until I froze. The person who was stopped behind me poured their soda onto me. Ice bounced off of my head and to the ground. The dark brown color of the soda soaked into my light-colored shirt. 

"What the fuck asshole!" Before I could do anything, Will stands in front of me and socks the person in the face. It quickly turned into an intense fight. Both throwing punches at each other. Where did Will learn how to fight? All of us just watched the fight. No one did anything. 

All it took was for the other kid to fall to the ground and for Will to get on them and pummel them in the face for someone to do something. "Will! Let him go!" Dustin was the one to pull him off of them. Will tried to jerk out of his arms but quickly stopped. His eyes looked down to the now crying kid on the ground. I don't think he even felt bad. I mean, I don't feel bad for the kid.

"C'mon, let's go." Angela and her group walked off. Not even helping out his friend that was beat to a pulp.

I look down at my shirt and grown. "I liked this shirt too," I look to where the group disappeared off to. Will handed me his flannel that he wore. Leaving him in a white tee shirt. "Oh uh, thank you," I switch my shirt with the one Will gave me. "We should probably get some ice on that. It looks quite bad." 

"At least you won a fight before Steve. He only won his first fight last year from my knowledge," Dustin chipped in. We all look to him. "What? I thought it would help," 

El was very silent. Just thinking. "Are you okay El?" I hesitate for a second, but then I take her hand. It seemed to calm her down slightly.

"Let's just go home." El began walking back into the direction of the Byers house. Will kept pressing his bruised cheek. We really need to get ice on that.

Fuck! He caught me looking at him- 

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