Chapter 35

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Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Streets.

Steve's Perspective. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Where the fuck is she?! She's not at home, nor at work! Please tell me she wasn't- No! Not possible! I was gone for only a few days and-

I glance over and see one person standing outside in a yard. Not even bothering to park the car correctly, I throw the car into park and hop out of the car. The person had short brown hair. Wearing what looked like a black leather jacket. "Rob!" I call out. The person turned around and gave me a confused look. "Shit- Sorry- Wrong person."

"Hey Dingus! Over here!" I hear from across the street. I instantly turn around. 

"Jesus Christ!" Not even looking for cars, I run across the street. The car that came hurling towards me came to a halt. The person slammed the car horn. "Sorry!" I continued running to Robin. Basically tackling her when she was in reach. 

"Woah- Did you miss me for like the few days you were gone?" Robin's hands took a second but eventually wrapped around me. The person next to her stepped back. 

My eyes shirt down to her. "Shut up. I thought you were dead." My grip tightened around her. "Of course, shit had to go crazy when I left." I eventually let go of her. The person beside us was... Vickie? Did I interrupt something? 

"I'm never dying dingus. Did all this news cause you to drive back? Who's all with you?" Robin crossed her arms. 

"Basically everyone. We're back to try and prove Lucas's innocence. He wouldn't do any of this." I look back to my car. "Shit-" It was causing slight congestion on the street. "Do you guys want to help us out? The more people the better." 

Vickie looked a little hesitant. It makes sense. Hanging around with a suspect. "Vic, you don't have to go if you don't want to. We can hang out some other time." Vickie shook her head. 

"It's okay. If I start feeling too uncomfortable, I can just leave. If he's your friend, I want to help." Vickie fixed the hat she was wearing. "Let's go!" She began walking to my car. Actually looking both ways unlike me. 

"C'mon slow-poke." Robin joined Vickie across the street. 

"Hey!" Avoiding cars as I went to join them, I open the driver's door and got in. The two got into the back. 

Friday, March 29, 1986. Hawkins Indiana. Cabin.

We arrive back to the cabin. It was starting to look a little better. "Whose place is this? And why is there a giant hole in the roof." Robin looked confused. 

"It was El's and Hoppers. They got attacked by y'know." I didn't know if it was safe to say it in front of Vickie, so let's be as vague as possible. Robin seemed to understand.

Opening the door. My eyes locked onto her. Nancy. Her and Jonathan were talking. Standing very close to each other. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all jealous. "We've gotten a decent amount done. We just don't know what we should do about that." Mike pointed to what Robin pointed out only moments ago. 

"We can figure something out in a moment. First, we need to figure out what to do." I lean against the closest wall. 

"Wayne said something like what happened to Chrissy a while ago. Some dude did the same to his family or something. But I can't imagine how he could've escaped." Eddie chipped in. He looked right into my eyes as he spoke. 

"Okay, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Vickie. Can you go figure out that guy's name and find some research about him? Anything could be helpful." The group looked amongst themselves, then nodded. There seemed to be a slight annoyance coming from Nancy. The group left to go figure it out. "What else could help us?" 

"Do we know who the second victim was? We can figure out some similarities between the two of them." Will spoke up. 

"Nancy said something about it being someone from her newspaper group. Fred Benson I believe. Both Hawkins high students... I'm sure we can find things at the school about them," 

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