Chapter 25

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Saturday, March 23, 1986. California. Argyles' Van.

Eddie's Perspective.

The four of us drove off somewhere. Me and Harrington laid in the back while Argyle and Johnathan were in the front. Harrington's head laid on my shoulder. In a way I was nervous for Steve, but I can't just baby him. He can make his own choices. What if he turns out like me? What if-

Before I could think further about it, Harrington turned into me. His hand gripped onto my shirt. "We're almost there brochachos!" Argyle called from the driver's seat. 

"I can't wait to try your.. what was it?" I couldn't quite remember the long name it had. 

"Purple Palm Tree Delight," Jonathan chipped in. He took a glance over to us. He wasn't bothered? Disgusted? Am I actually going to be able to be myself with this group? "Here we go," We arrived to what seemed like a cliff. The two of them got out of the car. I turn my attention to Harrington.

"Hey Stevie, we're here," I gently shake his shoulder to wake him up. A groan leaves him as he sits up. His hand reached out and opened the back. 

He turned back and looked at me. "You coming? Do you need help?" He seemed worried about me. 

"I'm alright, just give me a minute," I push myself up, my body ached slightly. Seems this would be a long-lasting issue. 

I make my way next to Harrington, then out of the door. "Look who's the slow one now," I hold my hand out for him and he takes it. "Let's try this shit out!" My grip gets tighter as I pull him over to where the two of them were. "You better get ready," I had a bit of a hum to my voice. 

Me and Harrington plop down onto the cliff side next to them. Johnathan hands me a joint. I pull out my lighter from my pocket and light the joint. "Do you just carry that around with you everywhere?" Harrington remarked. 

"Shut up," I breathed it in. My hand wraps around Steves neck, my thumb pulled his face down to my level. Looking him in the eyes for a moment. My face got closer to his until our lips almost touched. Then I blew the smoke into his mouth. My hand trailed down to his chest. "Enjoy it," I could tell I left him somewhat speechless. Oh, how I wish I could do that all the time. Leaving him too flustered to speak. 

I lay down onto my back and look up at the stars above. One day I'll be up there with them. Hopefully I'll be with the people I care about. Or I can watch over them. 

"So, You two huh?" I hear Byers speak. His head turning towards us. 

"What do you mean by that?" Harrington's voice got short. More smoke leaves my mouth as I look up at Byers. What did he mean by that? 

"Please help Will through that. He's never been like the other males his age. Being missing for a while didn't help that but I just want to make sure he's safe. You two seem to know what you're doing. So, if it's not too much of a bother, could you help Will learn about it?" Byers obviously didn't want to use the word gay. Maybe he was afraid of it like it would curse him if he said it.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to be with anyone jo-bro," Argyle rested his arm on Byer's shoulder. "I mean, not all of us wants to go out and get partners," What is going on? Where is the homophobia? Are there actually people who don't completely hate you out there? Go completely out of their way to make your life miserable? What is this feeling? The only other time I've felt this was when Wayne found out. I have to be dreaming. 

"I'll talk to him, Byers. Stevie over here is also new to this. You could say I was the reason his life went to shit," I look over to Harrington. He looked at me disapprovingly. 

"Y'know Steve, I never would have thought you'd date a guy. Let alone Eddie Munson." 

"I'm right here-" I grumble.

"I just mean that, you. King Steve Harrington have always been a chick magnet. Yeah, the relationships did only last a day or so. But-" Byers rambled on until Harrington cut him off.

"Yeah- Yeah- I get it. I didn't want to believe it at first either. I never once saw a man as I saw a woman. That was until Munson over here had to go throw a curve ball into things. But in a way, I'm glad. I get to get away from my shitty parents. I'm actually happy in a relationship for once. Even though you scare me to death a lot of the time," I wink up at Harrington. He took the joint from my hands and smoked it. 

"Life is so confusing." Byers pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. 

"If that ain't the truth." My eyes go back to the stars. Focusing on a random one in the sky. "You'll get through it Byers. We all will at some point. Even if it kills us," 

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