Train station: where the past and the present meet

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Owen's P.O.V.

I ran to my room as soon as I come back home from the work. I went straight into the bathroom and freshen up. I change my cloth to something casual and comfortable.

I'm already late. Andrei is coming to Lahpiaro today. He took a train and he will be here at seven. The sun is on the horizon and the sky is painted blue. It's a beautiful evening here in lunardale today. And It's already half past six in the evening. I need to hurry.

I didn't understand why he took the train. He could have a good road trip. But when I asked him about the reason he told me that it has been ages since he traveled by train and he wanted to use this chance. As soon as I change my cloth I run downstairs. And I was halted because the scene in front of me shocked me.

My whole family that is my parents and Hailey were standing in the hallway in front of the door. They were dressed up and looked like they were ready to head out. Hailey also did make-up but not too much, she did not no a makeup look. She was dressed differently. Her clothes were giving that cute shy girl vibes and that was the first time I got that kind of vibe from her in my entire life.

"What are you guys doing there?" I asked still not sure what is going on around here.

"What? Don't you know Andrei is coming here?" My mom asked as if she really thought that I did not know he was coming to the town. And I was like do you even hear yourself? He is my friend, you guys know him because of me.

"What?" I was not sure how to reply here so I just said that with do you even know what you are saying look.

"We are going to pick him up at the train station." my mom said. "We were waiting for you. But you are so late." my mom added.

"Come on guys let's go. We can talk on our way there." Hailey spoke and dashed out of the house without waiting for anyone. My father followed her and my mom followed him. I was still shocked but I too went after them. My father took out the Six seaters SUV and we all hopped in.

"Wait a minute, who told you guys?" I asked when we were on the road. And Hailey and my mom gave me that you are stupid look.

"He texted us," Hailey said rolling her eyes.

"Really!" I was still not sure what was going on around me. I thought I would receive Andrei at the station and drop him off wherever he is staying and I would take him to my house tomorrow and then show him around the town. That was my plan but what is all this?

"By the way, why are you dressed like this?" I asked Hailey with a raised eyebrow. She was wearing a woolly light grey off-shoulder crop top and skin-tight denim jeans that went over her belly button.

"What? I always dress like this," she said.

"Are you kidding me? You dress like you would punch the person's face if they even said hello to you." I was speechless by how she was acting.

"STOP. And remember he does not need to know that." Hailey said making a fist. WOW. Just wow.

After a few minutes, we were at the station. I'm still baffled by what is happening around me but I have decided to ignore all this and focus on welcoming Andrei.

As I was walking out of the parking I saw many black Mercedes lined up. And I knew who they belonged to Jason, he is here. I felt my stomach twist from happiness and Vlad started waggling his tail at the thought of him. I know why he is here. As Andrei is the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and is invited to the ball, Jason must have come here to welcome him. I didn't think that this could be so important even. All I thought was that I was going to receive my friend. I guess I'll have to keep my behavior appropriate.

We entered the station it was only ten minutes to seven. We ran to the platform where the train from Lunardale was going to arrive. I saw Jason standing there, next to him was Aiden and a few guards were around them. Aiden was holding a bouquet of yellow roses. Vlad was now hauling happily at the sight of Jason.

My family ran to the platform. Hailey was leading our small pack and was the most excited. I can't believe they are more hyped up than me to meet Andrei.

All the bodyguards, Aiden and Jason turned to us because of the loud noises of the footsteps. However as my parents are the lawyers and handle all of Jason's legal things, the bodyguards know our family well and I guess that's why they did not try to stop us when we ran toward Jason.

My parents slowed down as they got closer to Jason and stopped at the safe distance. I was following them and stood behind them, beside me was Hailey. Jason was looking at me, he was not even blinking. I saw his lips curve up a little and his eyes brighten up.

"Hello, Alpha." My dad said.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Westwood," he replied very politely. "What brings you here?" he asked.

"Oh! We are here to welcome Andrei. He was Owen's friend back in Lunardale." My mom answered. And Jason's eyes shot up and he looked at me. I don't know why but he looked shocked and a little scared. "I guess you are here for the same purpose!' my mom added.

"Ah!" He answered after a second when he got hold of the reality. "Yes. Indeed," he added.

I wanted to hold his hand so bad at the moment. I felt drawn to him, I could not take my eyes off of him and all I could see is him. Vlad was coming up with all these lewd scenarios like he wanted me to run to Jason pushing everyone standing in between us and then kiss him. I tried to ignore him but he was too loud.

But then I heard an even louder noise of the train and everyone's attention was shifted in that direction. Hailey was fixing her dress and Jason took the bouquet from Aiden ready to welcome Andrei.

"BBBBAAAAABBBBBYYYYY..." Someone shouted as soon as the train stopped and in the next second Andrei jumped out of the train.

Author's note:

I don't know why but I think this chapter is funny. I just keep imagining Owen's face during this entire scene and the poor child was getting a shock after another. Also, I love how his family is hyped up.

But can you blame them?


The person we have been waiting for. Well, I mean I can't speak for you but I surely was dying for him to show up.

And the first thing he said after stepping on the land of Lahpiaro is BABY! lol.

I hope you are enjoying the story. What flavors do you guys think Andrei will bring to the story?

Vote share and comment.

Love you all. Hope you have just as exciting weekend as Owen. 

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