The secret you were never supposed to find out

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Owen's P.O.V.

After what felt like an eternity the door of the operation theater finally opened and the doctor came out. We all rushed to him.

"Doctor, How is he?" everyone asked in unison.

My heart was pounding like crazy, I could feel the blood rush throughout my body. My head was starting to hurt, I was feeling sick in my stomach. I was getting nauseous. Everyone was getting uneasy, time was suddenly flowing slowly every second felt like an eternity. The silence was piercing me. It was only a second before the doctor replied but it was the most stressful second of my life.

"We did all we could. We have removed the bullet. The bullet was very close to the heart but the problem is it was a silver bullet coated with wolfsbane." He took a pause. And I felt my heart drop to the floor. "Jason is lucky that his body has gotten a little used to the wolfsbane and silver because of the injection he has been taking for the past few years. If it was anyone else they would not have survived this." He added. Everyone was listening quietly. Maybe they didn't know what to say or maybe they just didn't have the energy to speak. "We still have to monitor his condition to say anything more." He concluded and then went to instruct his team.

There was silence, it was so quiet that you could hear the blood rushing through your veins. My mind was not in a state to comprehend anything. I looked around and everyone was standing motionless like statues, their eyes were lifeless, their bodies immobile. After a while, they brought Jason out of the operation theater and quickly took him to his room. Every one of us rushed after him.

His face looked so different, even in this state he looked like a real alpha, he looked like he would just get up from that bed and conquer the world, he looked powerful, but still it was different than how he usually looked. Usually, whenever I saw him he looked reliable, like he will take care of everything, like if he is there everything will be alright. But right now I feel scared.

Everyone was standing in the room leaving enough space for nurses so that we don't get in their way. Everyone was looking at Jason. I was looking at him as they arranged all the machines and set up everything.

It has been a few hours and the sun has gone down. There is only me and Aiden with Jason now. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe had to leave because they had to take care of the pack business and my parents also left at their request. I was sitting on a sofa in a corner and Aiden was sitting across from me.

The doctor's words were repeating in my mind. 'We did all we could. We have removed the bullet. The bullet was very close to the heart but the problem is it was a silver bullet coated with wolfsbane. Jason is lucky that his body has gotten a little used to the wolfsbane and silver because of the injection he has been taking for the past few years-' and then it hit me. Jason was injecting silver and wolfsbane... but why? Why would any werewolf inject themselves with things that could kill them? I don't know why I could not let go of this though once it occurred to me. I need to know.

"um...Aiden..." I said very softly trying to get Aiden's attention.

He looked at me waiting for me to continue but I don't know how to put this in words. Partly because I'm feeling like it could be personal and second I still can't think straight.

"You see..." I tried to speak. "About what the doctor said..." I added


"What did he mean that Jason was injecting silver and wolfsbane?' I asked. His eyes opened wide, it was like he saw a ghost. It looked like he knew about that and I was not supposed to find this out. Like it was some big secret. "You know about it, don't you?" I spoke suspiciously.

"I...I...I don't know what you are talking about." The same Andrei who was lost in his thoughts a second ago was looking like he saw death in the eyes. He was flustered.

"I know you know. Please tell me the truth." I practically begged him.

"I... I... really don't-" He was gonna repeat the same shit but I'm not in the mood for this right now.

"Aiden...tell me," I said in a low deep voice. I was so done with dragging this any longer I need to know this now.

"I'm so gonna die when Jason finds out I told you this," he spoke and that just made me more confused and curious.

"Okay you know that the mates are supposed to mate, right?" He asked.


"So, when you turned sixteen and you found out that you guys were mates and you left Lunardale, it was hard for Jason to cope with that. He was in physical pain because he was so far away from his mate and he was the reason his mate was not accepting him." He paused for a few seconds. I was hearing everything, I was understanding everything but I could not comprehend it. It was like I did not want to accept this.

"You know that we feel tormented when we are rejected by our mates, but as he has blood of alpha it was even worse for him. It was like you indirectly rejected him. You just didn't say the words so he didn't die but the pain was worse than a million deaths." He was getting teary. I didn't know but I was crying too. I felt a warm stream of water drop slide down my left cheek from my eye.

"His wolf was going crazy and we almost lost him. He was going insane. So to help him cope with this, the doctors suggested that suppressing his wolf would help." He paused again.

"And" I was barely uttering the word.

"And the only way to do that is to give him a small dose of poison so that his wolf would pass out or at least get weak for a while. And the best options were silver and wolfsbane. So he has been injecting that every day since you left." He was looking down as he finished what he was saying. "I'm just surprised how you managed it," he added.

And I realized I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything because Jess did something to me but Jason he was suffering this whole time. These all years he was hurting so much because of me and still, he never showed that on his face. How... How could I do this? I was about to cry hysterically, But I held it in because I knew that if I started to cry I would not be able to stop.

"Inject me with that," I spoke.

"WHAT?" Aiden was looking at me like he misheard what I said.

"Inject me with what Jason used to get."

"You can't be serious." he was in disbelief.

"AIDEN" I spoke, making it clear that I indeed want that.

"But-" He was trying to change my mind but I stopped him.

"No but, give me the dosage."

Author's note:

Okay... Okay, so we didn't find out in this chapter, too. Jeez I can see all of you cursing me right now, lol. But let's see on the bright side, they say everything happens for a reason. The pain he endured because Owen left caved him today. Well not saved but at least he has a chance, any other wolf would have been dead by now. Let's pray he survives.

Also, Owen FOUND OUT! He found out about the syringes and the things that Jason had to go through. And he wants to inject himself with that! How do you guys think Owen would react after?

Okay, this is truly the last chapter for this week, see you all next time. Have a great weekend. Love you all.

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