I love you too.

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Jason's P.O.V.

We parted our lips. I wanted to kiss him for eternity, But I was scared that he might suffocate and pass out so I stopped kissing him. 'I don't want to stop, I don't want to let him go.' I was thinking. So even though we stopped kissing I didn't let him go. I couldn't let him go.

'Owen, do you know how happy I am? How happy I am because you are my mate? How happy I am because you accepted me? How happy I am because you are by my side?' I was confessing in my mind. I could not utter the words because I didn't want to scare him. We just told the pack and I don't want him to think that I am obsessing over him because I am not. I just love him. I love him so much.

I took a step back. It felt like my heart was being pulled and ripped. I didn't want to move away from him, my body was craving his touch. Every inch of my body was burning because we were too far away. I wish I could tell you how I feel. I wish I could tell you that I love you. But what if you are not ready? What if I'm rushing? 'But I love you.' I thought.

"Owen," I said in my mind, hoping that by some magical power he will hear it, he will feel it. "I love you." then I

realized, I said that out loud. And in that split second, I felt like my world would fall apart. 'What have I done? I said that to him this time, he must be worried, he must be scared because of all the people. And I made it worse.' I was cursing myself. 'How dumb do you have to be you fuck-head. I can't believe-' I was ready to kill myself but then he spoke.

"I love you too."

'I love you too...I love you too...I love you too...' These words kept echoing in my mind. I felt elevated. Did he really say that? 'I love you too... that...that means he feels the same way I do? He loves me too?' I couldn't believe the words I heard.

I can't believe he said that...He actually said that. Oh my God, what am I gonna do? I felt like my heart would just stop beating any moment now. I felt like I was soaring above the clouds and I felt light as a feather. I was so happy that I can't describe it in words. This felt like something straight out of a fairy tale. This felt unreal. I mean how can something this good be real? This does not make sense. I must be dreaming. Ya, that's the only valid reason. I must be dreaming with open eyes. Ya, this is a dream.

If this is a dream then I guess I can do anything I want. So moved closer to Owen and hugged him. If this is a dream I want to enjoy every second of this. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his shoulders. If this is a dream I want to stay like this forever, I don't want to wake up.

But then I felt the sensation. The sensation I felt every time I touched Owen. It was like a bolt passing through my body, it was powerful and magical. This is not a dream...This is real. This is as real as it gets. He really said...He said 'I love you too' in reality. This is not some make-believe scenario in my mind. This happened in real life. And the loud cheering of the crowd made it clear. This was not a dream.

And I felt Conri. He already passed out of happiness. He always acted like the tough alpha but he passed out only because of this. But I can't blame him. I felt like I would pass out any minute. But I can't do that. It would make Owen worry.

He actually said 'I love you too...' he said that to me. He did. I hugged him even harder. I hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

"Ughu...Ughu...If you love birds are finished... then shall we start this ball?" my mom asked me. 'Get a hold of yourself, Jason. You are the alpha and everyone is watching you.' I said to myself and let Owen go.

"Ah...Yeah...SurE...LEt'S...lEt'S DO...dO...That..." Why am I feeling so nervous? I did nothing wrong. It's my mate and me. We can kiss. What's wrong with that? I don't need to feel nervous. 'Calm down, Jason... Calm down. You did nothing wrong.' I said to myself.

"OKAY. Then everyone gathered around and let the music play. It's time for the dance!" My mom said and waltz music started to play. People were walking in all directions, some were moving back to make room on the floor and some were getting ready for the dance.

I looked at Owen and he had some weird expressions. I can't decode what it means. But I had only one thought in my mind. 'I want to dance with him.' I was feeling so courageous. After what he said to me, I felt like I could conquer the world.

I bowed to him and asked, "May I have a dance with you?"

I could see he was flustered. He froze for a second and then spoke in a very low voice. "I can't dance."

Now I was the one who was surprised. There were two reasons for that. The first one was that I didn't know he could not dance. And the second one is that he looked so shy and cute when he said that. It was unbearably alluring.

"Really?" I said instinctively.

"I don't even know what kind of dance they are doing?" He was looking at the floor when he said that.

"You know that we don't have to dance like them, right?" I was still bowing.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we can dance however we like. I'll teach you, don't worry. Now, can I have this dance? My back is kinda hurting." I was trying to make a joke.

"But..." he was going to speak but Mrs. Westwood spoke before him.

"Oh come on. Just go with him. He'll dance." I felt like she was irritated. And then he grabbed his hand and placed it in my hand.

I looked at Owen and he was flustered but I know if I don't drag him right now he will never be able to dance. So I took the chance and led him to the dance floor.

"Jason, Are you sure about this? Won't we look like weirdos?" he sounded concerned.

I stopped on one corner of the dance floor so we would not be in the way of people who were doing the waltz. I then turned him around and placed both of my hands on his waist just barely on the hips and pulled him closer. He slowly looked up and placed his hands on my shoulders for support.

"What are you talking about? Haven't you been paying attention to what was going on just a few minutes ago? The way they reacted after our announcement... We already look like a couple of weirdos. And why do you care about all of them? Just look at me." I said.

He did not reply to my statement but his silence said it all. He looked more relaxed than before. I pulled him closer and caged him in my arms.

"Now just rest your hands on my shoulders and move left and right with me," I said and he followed my instructions. "Nice...Left...and...right...left...and...right..." I said and we were moving with the music. "Isn't it easy?"

Author's note:

Me: Hello! 911?

A woman on the call: Yes, sir. How may I help  you?

Me: Send people here. We a wolf has gone crazy.

Jason grabs my phone and ends the call.

Jason: What do you think you are doing?

Me: What I was afraid was has  finally happened. You have finally gone mad. We have to admit you to the facility. (Trying to hold my laugh)

Jason: I don't know about that but we will have to visit a graveyard to bury a dead body.

Me: Pff... I don't know about you but if you will not stop this we will have to find a new mate for Owen as he will forget everything that happened till now and suddenly the moon goddess will realize that you are not the idea mate for Owen. She will make a new mate for him.

Jason (glaring at me): You wound dare.

Me(Intensely glaring back): Try me bitch.

Okay people what do you think about this chapter? I can't believe they DDDDAAAANNNNCCCCEEEEDDDD. And Owen does not know how to dance.  AAAAAAWWWWWW. I wonder how many times he stepped  on Jason's foot?

Mated to the bully alphaWhere stories live. Discover now