Death, pain, love and life

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Owen's P.O.V.

"Inject me with that," I spoke.

"WHAT?" Aiden was looking at me like he misheard what I said.

"Inject me with what Jason used to get."

"You can't be serious." he was in disbelief.

"AIDEN" I spoke, making it clear that I indeed want that.

"But-" He was trying to change my mind but I stopped him.

"No, but, give me the dosage," I commanded.

"Fine." he was irritated. "I'm so dead when Jason finds this out," he added. He then took out a box from a shelf and started walking out of Jason's room. "Follow me," he instructed, facing the door. I started walking behind him. He guided me out of Jason's room and then we walked to the room at the furthest end of the hall.

"Why are we here?" I was confused.

"I don't want Jason to hear your screams." He was dead serious. He opened the door and when I followed him in he asked me to lie down on the bed. I did as I was instructed. He was filling up an injection with some serum. He then approached me slowly, a serious look on his face. He looked like the psychopathic doctor they show in thriller movies.

"I'm asking you for the last time. Are you sure about this? You don't have to do this."

"Just do it," I answered. And with that, I felt the syringe piercing my skin and the fluid flowing in. The moment after that was worse than hell. I felt blades running in my veins, they were cutting me from the inside. It was aching everywhere the blood flowed, I wanted to cut the parts off of my body. After a few seconds, my heart started to tear apart. It was like a million daggers just pierced through it. My mind started to hurt, not like aching it was hurting as if someone was slowly cutting it open. I could not help but scream but uttering a word made it feel like my throat would explode. But I kept screaming.

I was being cut from the inside and I was burning up from the outside. It was like someone set me on fire. I was twisting and turning. I wanted to skin myself because I felt that doing that would make the blades come out. At that moment I wanted to die. Because death would be a million times better than this pain. I felt my flesh getting shredded.

After what felt like an eternity my body started to cool down, I was sweating like crazy but the pain was subsiding. I was breathing heavily, my heart was pounding so hard I felt like my ribs would break. And I had no energy left. I tried to move my fingers but I could not. Aiden was standing next to the bed. After some more time, I could finally move but everything was still out of focus and my head was still hurting.

"Owen!" Aiden spoke. Any small noise was still piercing through my ears.

"Has... has he been... doing this... since..." I was barely speaking. But he understood what I wanted to ask and he responded before I could finish the question.

"Yes... He has been taking this since the week after you left. Actually, I only gave you half of what he started with" he answered.

"What?" I was surprised, if I was feeling like this after taking half of his dose I can't imagine what he would be going through all this time.

"I gave you 2 ml of serum, and Jason started with 4 ml. And he was taking 10 ml just before you guys got together." He replied.

I felt like the world I was standing on was crumbling down. He was going through much worse than what I just felt. I would not want my worst enemy to go through the pain that I felt and he was enduring much more and for this long. I used to think that he was the monster but it was me. I was the monster. I knew the consequence of being away from your mate but I was not feeling anything so I just ignored that. I cannot believe I put him through so much.

And he... he kept everything to himself...He could have come after me and forced me to come back but he did not even though he went through all this! And when I came back...I...I was so mean to him...I said so many hurtful things to him...I hurt him so much even after I came back and he still stuck with me. He always smiled and tried to make up for his mistakes, even though I did many horrible things to him. He... He just kept loving me. He kept showing he loved me even after I said I hated him...He just loved me.

I wanted to say so much...but I could not utter a word and tears would not stop coming from my eyes.

With every bit of energy that my body regained, I got up from my bed and started running. It felt like I was running on lava. Every step burned my feet, I was stumbling but I kept running.

"OWEN...OWEN...OWEN..."Aiden kept screaming my name as he ran after me.

In a moment I was in front of Jason's room. I pushed open a door. He was still lying on the bed unconsciously. I ran to him, wrapped my hands around his body, and rested my head on his chest. I could not stop crying. Seeing him like that just makes it even worse.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I kept repeating. "Jason...I'm really sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry"

And then I felt a hand wrapping around me. The sparks flew all over my body. I knew who it was.

"Jason!" I looked at his face and my heart jumped from happiness. He was awake. And he was looking at me.

"O...Owen..." he barely uttered the words. "Why are you crying?" He spoke. He looked worried.

"Jason" I spoke and started crying more. I hugged him again and he started to gently caress my hair.

"What happened Owen?" he asked. "Tell me who made you cry?" he added.

"Nothing...I'm...I'm just so happy..." I answered looking into his eyes. I cupped his face in my hands and said "I love you, Jason."

"I love you too, Owen," he answered.

Author's note:

Hello everyone, I know I have not uploaded in a month and I left the story in a very bad position but I was going through some hard stuff and I did not want to write something so serious in those low moment. But it's all right now and I'm well and back.

Sadly this week it's going to be only one chapter. But I'll promise I'll upload more next week. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Love you all.

Mated to the bully alphaWhere stories live. Discover now