some thoughts

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Hi, some thoughts from myself before you start reading.

This is the first story I wrote so it's probably not well written yet.

I hate spelling errors so if you find them please point them out.
To those who have done so, thank you very much for your efforts, I'll will correct them as soon as I have time :)

I will review my story when I have time to make some adaptations to work out the characters better. Got some ideas for them.
It has 60 chapters for now and although the last chapter is not really the end, it does serve as an ending for now.
No cliffhanger, don't worry.

It's just that reviewing 60 chapters takes a lot of time and I'm in the middle of writing some other stories, a day only has 24 hours and I have a life too :)
So for now I marked the story complete even though I plan to work on it in the future, just so I don't get those annoying messages from wattpad that I need to finish my story.

Btw if you're looking for explicit sex scenes... you will not find them here. Just some hints towards them.

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