Arylie os- My Psycho lover part 19

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Hey this story will be over in 4 to 5 chapters..hope you have enjoyed it till now..and will enjoy the new chapter as well..

Imlie and Malini had gone to the morgue to identify the body, they both gasped seeing all the bruises and his neck being slit..eventhough she was angry at whatever he had done..but he was her childhood friend, she hugged Malini..and both of them cried for their friend..

On the other hand Aryan had reached the place where Aditya was kept..his goons were no where to be seen, he looked and there was no clue as to who would killed someone..

D- Looking for something..Dev came out of the shadows smirking..

Ar- You killed Aditya??

D- Yes..i was all for punishing Imlie..but when he caused the accident i lost it..and have bigger problems to worry about..

Dev showed him the video of Aditya being tortured by him..Aryan cursed himself he should have been more careful..

D- Now i can easily delete this evidence..but i want something from you..

Ar- I don't have anything which will satisfy you..

D- Oh..but you do..Imlie..

Ar- You😡😡

D- Convince her to move on from you..that you are not interested in her..and then we can talk about deleting this video..i will be in touch..

Imlie came back home exhausted, she had dropped Malini at her home, Nakul hugged her tightly..and gave her some water to drink..

Nak- Are you alright Sis??

Im- Hmm..i just cannot believe he is gone..and he was tortured so brutally..what kind of a monster would do that..

Nakul was going to say something when he saw Aryan coming back and he had heard Imlie calling him a monster..he barely controls his anger..

Ar- Maybe he deserves what had happened to him..

Im- (gasps)How can you say that Aryan??

Ar- Well he tried to destroy your life so tit for tat i guess..

Im- But there are other ways to punish as well..he could have been sent to jail..

Ar-(snapping at her)Newsflash girl..woh ek din mein bhar aa jaata jail se..

Nak- Okay!! That is enough discussion for the day..Imlie room mein jaa ke aaram karo..she left glaring at Aryan..

Nak- what happened that you are so pissed off..

Ar- I didn't kill him..and it doesn't matter if you believe or not..

Nak- Then..No..way..really..😡😡

Ar- I have to go..

Nak- Aryan..i hope that bastard will not cause troubles for Imlie??

Aryan left without saying anything and Nakul was very disturbed by it..Imlie came back to room huffing she wasn't sure why she was so angry..or rather she was feeling hurt that..Aryan talked to her like that..

Suddenly her phone pinged and it was a video notification..she opened it..and gasped in was Aryan torturing Aditya..after the video ended..there was a message,

D- If you want your Aryan to be safe and not sent to me..we have some things to discuss.. my dear daughter..

Ps- So was the twist?? And Dev is becoming more and more vile??and poor love birds cannot have a single moment of happiness..

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