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I pulled the head of my partner down to my face and kiss him, deeply. Trying to not make this too risque, but all I could imagine was Mcbrien's mouth on mine. Feeling one hand in my hair, the other on the small of my back pulling me so far into him that I thought we were going to meld into one. I wrap my hands around his neck, letting him hoist me into the air, twisting my legs around his waist, feeling his warmth all around my body, still wanting more. And more... And more. When I finally snap back its because he's pulling his head away from me, nuzzling his nose against mine

"Scene" we say in unison 

We turn to our audience, which is comprised of a mix of juniors and seniors, oh the joy of theatre 4. a bundle of hands go up, we can only pick five, five people to tell us they either loved it or that it was dogshit.


I point her out of the crowd and wait for her to start

"Okay, so, I really loved and I think that it was executed really well but I wanted more. More heat, more... umph between the two of you. Arie, I think the way you grabbed Zeke at the end but I wanted him to grabbed you back. I don't have any other words than 'Give me more'"

Me too, Kathrine... Me too.

I let Zeke pick the next, he calls out Will. I can't wait to hear his astute observation

"I have to say I agree with Kat. I don't know if maybe Arie had someone in find during the scene but I got more passion from her than you, maybe you should try that, think of the person that you just NEED to kiss you the way she just did and apply that to this. I definitely think that this can only get better"

As I'm about to call out my next critic when I hear the heavy door to the theatre slam. I turn my head to see Jay, looking more nervous than I've ever seen him. 

"uh... I have a pass for Kat and Arie?"

his stammering was too much for Donnie and I, he couldn't contain the laughter. Kat, as pink as Jay, made her way down the steps and then to the door with me. 

"McBrien would like you and Arie to, uh, come down to his classroom"

This was obviously a ploy for Jay to get close to her, but what I have to do with it, I don't know. Kat didn't even have Mr. McBrien as a teacher... Come to think of it, neither did Jay.

"Please, do not leave me here" 

Donnie practically begs, while we laugh. That's how this friendship works.

"uh, Arie, your teacher does want you.. but Kat, I thought it was a good way to talk to you" 

he finally got out when we opened the door into the summer heat.

"that's a little creepy" 

I glared at him and he return the favor by flipping me the bird, I caught it and put it in my pocket like you would do if someone blew you a kiss. I rolled my eyes and turned to go when Kat caught my hand.

"Please, don't leave me with him" 

I could hardly hear her, her eyes were so wide and I had a hard time saying no, but I had to.

"I have to go and talk about this, what if he tells me I won't graduate? Kat, I love you, I really really do but that's a lot more important than this asshole trying to hop in your panties"


yelling across the courtyard was never Kat's thing, why is she doing it now? I flicked her off without even looking, I knew she would be okay. She never wasn't okay. My level anxiety started rising in me as I reached for the door handle of hallway 7B.

"Ah, Arie, I thought the pass said at lunch? Oh, well, since you're here, have a seat" 

his eyes bore into mine, god, why won't he look away? I did as he commanded and pulled a seat as far away as I could.

"Come on, Arie, move up some. I'm not going to bite you"

The way he smirked made me think he was going to bite me, the thought made my eyes and stomach flutter. I pulled a chair up next to his desk, trying to keep my eyes on my own hands. 

"Uh.. What did you need?"

He smiled and started open the drawers of his desk, grumbling to himself about it couldn't of walked away itself. Until he finally pulled out a small stack of papers that read "VOLUNTEER" 

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