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We all did our best to calm ourselves, it had to just be a coincidence. We linked hands after I replied as nonchalantly as I could.
"McBrien, McBrien, McBrien" we all began chanting again, the thunder interrupting us every so often.
As soon as we said his name one last time through the thunder there was a loud banging somewhere below us.
"MOTHER OF HOLY SHIT. FUCK" Kyra screamed at she jumped up, nearly knocking a candle over.
"Hand me the sword, we're going down there" I claimed, I might as well get used to taking charge of I'm joining the service.
"You all thought it was silly to have a saber on hand." I fired at them as we walked down the steps toward the door.
When we reached the foot of the stairs we heard the banging again, it was coming from the door. We really were idiots, we All thought we had summoned a demon. I took it upon myself to hand the sword over and look through the peephole of the door. When I did, I saw a familiar face look at his shoes. He was soaking wet, his coaches shirt clinging to he slight chub he had at his stomach.
"It's just McBrien" I said without thinking
"ITS JUST MCBRIEN" I shouted when I realized who I was looking at.
When I opened the door his eyes shot down to my face and then lower. I followed his eyes to my chest and then the flatness if my stomach. He shook his head as if you break some trance. When I realized what he was reaction to, I let out what I thought was a shriek but ended up more a squeak.
"And i thought the tank top was enticing" he stammered, blushing.
"Uh... Do.. Can I help you?" I finally got out.
He shook his head and pointed towards his car, obviously lost for words.
"Can... Can I use your phone? Mine died when you texted me back" he looked back to his feet.

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