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McBrien's POV

I tapped my phone regretting immediately sending her that message. I collected what little I brought to Klaus', including my pants. I did my best to forget the conversation I'm going to have tonight as I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

"John?" she said

"I need to talk to you tonight, it's important"

"Uh, okay, I'll be there around six"

I decided to keep the conversation short, it was nearly three when Arie left. I called to Klaus that I was leaving and all I got was a grunt in return. I headed out to my car, when I sat in the seat a nervous air washed over me. I started going over the things I wanted to say in my head. I made it home right before the thunder began, it was around four and I decided to take a shower to rid my body of Arie's scent. I heard the door open as I shut the water off and when I walked into the kitchen Leianne was there holding a small black box.

"What's that?"

"I thought I'd get you a little something" she said "Go on, open it"

I grabbed the box and opened it, inside was wristwatch. It was too big for my taste and was covered in little fake diamonds.

"I.. Can't accept this"

"Why not? Yours broke at practice the other day so I figured I'd surprise you"

"Because I think that we should see other people"

"What? Why? I thought you were happy" she started to cry

"I was, it's just... I think I found someone else and I don't want to hurt you"

"But what if nothing happens with her?"

"Something already has"

She stood up straight and looked me dead in the eyes, I didn't want to hurt her but I didn't want to be with he either. I sighed and bowed my head, I apologized over and over again as she cursed profusely at me. She screamed once and then walked through the door, slamming it shut. I couldn't stand the thought of what I just did but I was happy it was over with. I decided to text Arie and see if she was still going back to Krys' but when she replied she said her father was upset about the burns and that she wouldn't. I huffed out all the airs in my lungs as I lied down on the couch, thinking about all the problems I was about to create.

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