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"How many times are you two going to do this?" Mr. Paisely asked. 

Heather sifted in her chair uncomfortably. 

"As many times are it takes for her to stop messing with me and my friends" I sneered

"And what has she done to you and your friends?"

I scoffed and stood up, banging my fist lightly on the desk twice.

"You know what? Suspend me! expel me! I don't care, I'm not going to be bullied  by the school too"

I grabbed my bag and stormed out to find Kat had left with Jay. I huffed and stalked to hallway 7B, throwing open every door I came in contact with. By the time I got to McBrien's hallway I could feel the steam coming out of my ears. The pulled open the door with so much force that it whipped me back with it. I composed myself and walked to his desk, dropping everything next to it and huffed. The bell would ring in two more minutes and I didn't want to spend it brewing in a chair. I flung open my bag and pulled out my athletic clothes. I stalked to the bathroom catching the stares from the other students and Johnny himself. I made my way to the large stall to change, I shut and locked the door punching it once creating a loud banging sound that echoed through all the classes. I pulled on the yoga pants that were still tight but less revealing and a small muscle shirt. I sighed when the bell rang and slipped on my sneakers, not bothering to tie them. When I walked back into the his classroom all the students had left and he sat behind his desk, staring diligently at a pink piece of paper. immediately I knew what it had to be when went to snatch it out of his hand. 

"Go shut the door" 

I opened my mouth to speak but he put his finger up to quiet me.

"Go shut the door, NOW"

his tone was low and steady recreating the warmth between my thighs. I threw my dress on my bag and walk to the door, kicking the door stop back into the room. I stayed at the door even after it slammed. He pulled he pointer finger towards him to beckon me forward. 

InappropriateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang