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God, how does he have such a shrill voice? I turned toward Donnie, he looked so pissed at me. I know I couldn't of done anything, I've hardly seen my favorite shemale all day. I looked past him hoping maybe I wouldn't feel as bad as he always somehow made me feel.

"Yeah, Donnie, what are you huffing and puffing about?"

He tugged my arm from my side and started to drag me towards the student parking lot

"Donnie! I have class, English is a mandatory class if you forgot!"

"Yeah, and you tell your best friend everything in case you forgot"

Oh, fuck. I should have known the cry baby would react this way. I willfully let him drag me to his car. I didn't protest or fight the whole time he was bitching at me in incomplete sentences. I waited until he composed most of his thoughts and finally made sense,

"Why didn't you tell me you were fucking MY DREAM FUCK.. That's not even the problem, you didn't tell me?"

"I know, okay. I get why you're pissed but-"

"pissed? Pissed doesn't even begin explain how I feel towards you right now..."

"I'm sorry, but you know why I couldn't tell. Only you know, you and Krys"

"Okay, that helps a little but... "

I'm trying my best to keep my cool, Donnie didn't know when he was being given a gift. I shouldn't have said anything, Johnny shouldn't have either... As much as I love Donnie, he can't keep a secret. I don't know who to be more mad at, him or Johnny, I guess I'll figure it out after 2nd period.

"That's great and all, but I still have class- Not to mention anything between my boyfriend and me is strictly between my boyfriend and me. I love you but butt out for once"

He huffed once and dropped his grasp on my arm

"Fine, be a bitch but just know it's gonna bite you in the ass"

I couldn't stand him when he got like this, calling me a bitch when he was being the biggest one here. I sauntered away from him, not skimping on the attitude, he and I were the only two that could compare on that front. While I was usually shy, when I let that beast out I out sassed him. Thanks to Donnie, I barely made it in time for English. I basically power slid into my chair, nearly knocking Kyra out of hers. She was sniffling and coughing and I had done a really good job of avoiding her today, damn it, Donnie.I must of been breathing angrily because Kyra's voice broke the silence.

"Arie? You cool?"

"Yeah, dude, I'm good"

Immediately I felt like I really need to be in a different place, I was so annoyed and I really couldn't take 55 minutes of shakespeare taught by a man who couldn't take 55 minutes of shakespeare. I grabbed my bag and walks to Screvs' desk

"Can I have a pass to a different class? I have a big project due and haven't gotten to work on it. Kyra can fill me in on Macbeth's lack of testicles"

He chuckled once and grabbed his stack of little yellow papers, carefully writing all of the information I would need. His hands were old and wrinkled, nothing like Johnny's or mine... Man, I was weird about hands- but I kept looking anyway. I said a quick thanks and left without another word. I knew exactly where I was headed and luckily this was his free period, no one would be in there and I would probably be able to get a small nap in. I opened the door and looked about, all I saw was an irritated McBrien sitting in the dark

"Honey, I'm home"

Trying to make a light hearted joke failed terribly so I just sat on the edge of his desk and looked onto him. He didn't bother look up at me but, he did hold onto my hand, rubbing that little space right before my thumb. I grew more and more tired, the warmth if his hand making me wish we had ditched school that day, all cuddled in his bed.

"Hey, johnny..."

He slammed his hand down on the desk and seem to scare himself a little with the noise he made, but none the less he looked angrier than I've ever seen him. 


What the actual fuck? I was taken completely off guard by his out burst but I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to figure out what the hell was going on. 

"Uh... Okay, I'm sorry"

"You know what, Ar? You should be, holy fuck. Do you even begin to realize what the hell you've done to me?"

"No? I didn't realize I was doing anything bad to you" 

"Yeah, well, you're making me go batshit insane, literally insane. I can't, holy fuck, I can't do it"

I could feel all of the things he was saying swirling around in my brain, sinking in and making sense, putting themselves together. 

"What are you trying to imply?" 

I looked down at my phone, the bell was going to ring soon... How long had I sat there silently?

"You know exactly what, you've known since I started talking. Ar, I'm done, we're done"

I stood up quickly and looked him dead in the eyes, the bell rang and kids started to fill in before I turned and stormed out of the room


Kyra was behind me, trying to catch up and eventually did but didn't say anything until we got to my car

"Where are you going?"

"Home, I have a life to ruin" 

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