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When I woke up the next morning my legs were trapped under something heavy and there was what seemed like a warm log across my back. I closed my eyes and groaned, trying to squirm my way free from whatever was holding my down. I flopped myself down in defeat and the thing on me grunted and the memories of the previous night flooded back to me.


He stirred slightly but remained asleep, I tried to wiggle away but he tighten his grip on my back.

"Arie" he said, still asleep.

I decided to lie back down and snuggle into his chest, letting his slow breath ease me back into sleep. I could feel my muscles twitching as I lingering in that state between sleep and waking life.

"God, you're beautiful" He said as I drifted off completely.

I found myself in a dark room, when I try the light switch I realize there is no power but some how a television near the wall is on and replay the same clip over and over again. The clip is a new segment, a teacher was arrested for having a relationship with a student. The teacher goes blank and the darkness swallows me until I look around and I'm in a crowd of people who are angry. They're yelling about a monster, I begin to push my way to the front of the mob and when I do I find McBrien who has a black bag over his head. Another man appears with a large axe and swings it up. As it swings down I begin to scream, just before it makes contact with his neck I wake up crashing into McBrien's chest still screaming.

"Arie? Arie! You're okay, it was just a dream, you're safe" he cooed

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