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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I screamed and tipped eat hands from my bare body.
"I.. I thought you knew I was.. Interested"
"You? With all the religious shit?"
I put my hands on and head to keep my eyes off her naked body which wasn't as appealing as most people think.
"Dude. Get out!"
She pulled the curtain back and left without another word. I spent the rest of my shower a little freaked out about what she told me, the way she stared at me... It was almost animalistic, the way Johnny looks at me. I grabbed my towel and dried myself the best that I could before changing into my other clothes. I stalked into my room, my hair already starting to curl way too much, I grabbed my red vans and my car keys. I motioned for her to walk with me to my car, the silence ready to kill me. The half hour drive was going to be absolute hell if we couldn't find a way to forget what just happened. We hadn't been in the road five minutes before she spoke up.
"Look, I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have ambushed you in the shower like that, especially because I know you have a thing going"
I gulped and looked at her nervously, trying my best to avoid stuttering,
"What.. Do you mean?"
She laughed, a real genuine laugh that you would hear between friends.
"We all see the way he looks at you"
I tilted my head in feign confusion.
"Yeah, he acts all gay.. But, I know two are hooking up"
I laughed, so hard I forgot I was driving for a second, I wiped the tears from my eyes before looking at her trying to look serious.
"I am not hooking up with Donny. That boy is gayer than any parade you'll ever see"
She stifled a giggle and looked at me, her brow furrowed.
"Don't tell anyone, please"
"Why should I do anything you ask? You tried to get my best friend sexually assaulted and you did get a bunch of guys to beat me half to death. I'm suspended because of you"
"Arie, I'm begging you. I'll get you unsuspended and I'll turn the guys in... Just please told tell anyone"
"I'm not going to, it isn't my place to but you need to remember me doing this for you"
She nodded and looked forward again, rubbing her stomach slowly. Her eyes sink while she looks down clearly upset about what she was about to do.
"Heather... Are you sure this is something you want to do?"
She shook her head, now in tears.
"Then don't, it won't ruin your life"
"It won't?"
"No, you can still go to college and be a mom... Have you seen half of our graduating class? No one will judge you"
She lifted her head and smiled at me, I could see the gratitude on her face. I decided that I wouldn't forget about all of the shit put me through and I'm definitely not forgiving her but maybe we could benefit from a mutual understanding.

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