22 1 0

Arie POV

I wake up in foreign sheets that feel like home, the warmth like waking up on Sunday with the morning sun shining through the window. I could feel his sigh on the back of my neck, begging me to come closer. I wanted the anger from last night to come bubbling back but rather it slipped away being replaced by sweet serenity. He pulled me in, strong even in his sleepy state, nuzzling softly into my hair.
He was dreaming of me, mumbling sweet nothings from his unconscious. I felt my eyes flutter shut again and then suddenly my stomach lurched. I was up and nearing the bathroom within seconds, but by the time I was on my knees at the toilet I had almost emptied all of my stomach but I kept dry heaving knowing whatever was making me so sick wasn't out yet. I felt a large hand on my back, making circles in the most comforting way.
"Are you alright?"
I shook my head before retching again. The putrid smell rising from the bowl only making me feel sicker. I rested my head in my hand hoping that I was finished. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, feeling more exhausted then I had in the past two days. I wiped my mouth and stood up to wash my face. I dabbed my face with a towel, looking in the mirror at my pink flushed cheeks with Johnny behind me looking more worried than ever before. He scooped me up and carried me back to bed, setting me down and tucking me in before walking sleepily from the room. I could hear cupboards slamming shut and ice being crushed before he reemerged with a cup of water and plate of crackers. I took small sips of water while he stroked my hair. I set the cup down and he crawled in the bed behind me, pulling my body against his while he scratch lightly behind my ear. I could feel my body relax as I slipped back to sleep. I could hear his heavy breath through my sleep, keeping me at ease and any nightmare away. My knight in shining armor that could keep my fiscal responsible. I felt my body lower even more, when I opened my eyes he was almost fully dressed. He kneeled beside my and kissed my forehead.
"I have to go in for a meeting... Will you be okay here on your own for a while?"
I nodded
"Okay, I love you. Call me if you need anything, okay? Don't hesitate"
I nodded again and mumbled that I loved him more
"I don't have to go, I can miss this meeting, it's not as important. I can reschedule, it's about the principle position next year, I'm sure they'll understand"
"No, don't. Go, ill be okay, don't let me stand in the way. You want this really bad"
He smiled at me before standing back up, and tucking me in tighter. The light shut off and the door shut. I closed my eyes and fell right back to sleep with the thought of his protection.

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