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I'm hardly in the shower five minutes before I hear Kyra pounding on the bathroom door. I did my best to ignore her but the way she was shrieking was making it difficult.

"Arie! If you don't hurry your ass up I'm going to unlock that door and clean you myself!" I hurt Kat scream from my room.

"I dare you, Kat" I seethed as I wrapped my towel around my thin shoulders and started to put on the little clothes I brought in the bathroom with me. I walked from the bathroom to my room

"Finally, we can get this started. Grab the candles and the lighter" Krys said

"This is never going to work, we aren't even doing this correctly" I added as I did what I was told.

"Well, now it won't because you don't believe" Kat joked.
We sat ourselves in a circle, and linked hands. I looked around the girls and noticed that we all were wearing a slight variation of the others. My white sports bra and black shorts compared to Kat's all white.

"Don't you think we are a little under dressed?" I signed.
We all looked around and began laughing. We did this ever Friday. Pizza, Mike's hard lemonade, and attempts at pagan rituals.
"It has to work at some point" Kyra says among our giggles.
Kat began to recite something in Latin and I'm certain she was saying it all wrong but I kept my mouth shut. We have tried this so many times and it has never worked.
"Who do we want to bring to us?" Kat said again in the same soothed voice as before.
"Let's get Arie McBrien, you should see the way he looks at her" Kyra giggled.
"Let's start then. Jonathan McBrien. Jonathan McBrien" we all joined in a few moments later.
Through the thunder that had begun the fall, I heard the familiar chime of my phone. Krys opened one eye and hissed at me. I let go of their hands and grabbed my phone.
"Did you make it home okay? I saw the way you left the parking lot, the way you drive is reckless... at best"
It was McBrien, we had swapped numbers purely so that we could say if one was sick or not able to make it to school.
"Uh, guys. McBrien texted me" I basically whispered.

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