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Arie POV

Once I was back in my own car I sped my way to Kris' house, making sure to make a stop at the dollar store on the corner of her street. The stop took no more than five minutes, the perfect amount of time to give a warning.

"Heads up. almost to your place, make sure you have on pants"

I roamed the isle until I found all the items for purchase. I took small sips of my organic tea on my way to the store bathroom.

I pulled out of the parking lot within four minutes of pulling in. I drove the two seconds it took to get to her house, which was nearly packed all the way up... The way life had changed just from the beginning of this year was astounding. I had settled my life long rivalry with Heather, found a man worth keeping, Kris' would be leaving for the air force soon, and Kat out to New York to attend AMDA... Where had my senior year gone? I thought to all of us in our caps and gowns, dress in our best. I was lost in my day dream with May, Kris' mom, tapped on my car window.

"What are you doin' in there? Solving world hunger?"

I giggled and shook my head before opening my door and heading towards the house. Making myself at home right away, I swung my feet up on her couch with her just looking at me.

"So... Where did you run off to other night?"

"exactly where you all expected me to... My sassy little outfit worked, nearly as good as revenge porn"

She visibly squirmed when I winked at her

"How is the 'sexy teacher' working out for you anyway?"

I took a deep, nervous breath and looked her dead in her eyes before answering.

"He's definitely... What's the new "bae"? Daddy? He's definitely Daddy"

she shivered, truly repulsed by my choice of phrase, but I just gave her my most serious face

"No, Kris. He's daddy"

"Arie, you mean?"

I tossed her box to her, it was still in the plastic bag. She took out the test and looked at me, not with any real emotion either than surprise. I just shook my head, not making eye contact with her. Once I caught side of her starring at the test I knew I was done for.

"I thought you said you'd be careful?"

I heard her snort a little.. Was she laughing? I can't believe her. I share with her the biggest secret I currently have and she just... Laughs?

"It isn't funny"

"No. it's hilarious. Have you told him yet? I can imagine it yet,  him walking around cuddling a baby girl in one hand and walking his dog with the other all the while staring lovingly at you. That's the dream isn't it?"

I scoffed, she painted a pretty picture but it wasn't me and she knew it. I starred at her, a little angry but also a little whimsical.

"I ought to punch you. I can't do this, I'm not the "Get married, have kids, live in the 'burbs" kind of girl. I'm the "gets dragged out kicking and screaming, color run, concerts,  up til 5:57 am" kind"

"Alright, Margo Roth, you better change your ways because your Q isn't going to just leave you be"

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