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I tried to forget the day that I had while getting ready for this stupid party that Donnie wanted to drag me to. I slid on a pair of plau jeans to go with a t shirt that I had since middle school. I heard my phone buzz alerting me that he was here and that I needed to hurry my ass up. I slid on a pair of grey vans before running out of the house dodging my dad's questions. I slid into the front seat of the car, Kat was already in the backseat, she knew the drill.


Donnie was trying to hype us both up by playing the girliest music he had in his car, none of which we liked. It was a short drive to her house which was massive. You could see the lights from inside the house changing colors.

"Oh, you know there is going to acid dropped at this shit"

We both looked at Donnie and scoffed, he didn't look like it but he was a partier. he parked on the side of the street and we all got out to walk. The florida heat causing a thin layer of sweat to develop on my back. When we finally made it up to the front door Heather was out front handing out gift bags. She went from smiling too much to smiling at all when she saw our faces. She handed a bag to Donnie and made some snarky comment about being gay, she when she handed one to me I made of point of spitting on her and rushing through the door.

"To the booze!" donnie exclaimed.

I grabbed Kat's hand and lead her to the kitchen, weaving easily through the masses of girls who will probably get pregnant tonight. When we made it to the kitchen that was covered with alcohol. I started to pour myself a screw driver that was 90% vodka, 10% orange juice, and 100% bad decisions.

"I thought you were going to be fun, kat?"

She gave me some bull answer before pouring a tiny glass of wine. I turned to look at Donnie before realizing I had been ditched by both my friends.

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