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Krys started driving and only looking at me every so often to give me a disapproving look. I try to explain to her that it will be okay but she just keeps shaking her head.

"I'll be okay, I promise"

"What about him? He could lose him job, he could go to jail, Arie"

I let out a deep sigh and looked out the window, trying to forget the idea of me ruining his life. I let thoughts of the weekend bounce around in my head, when I let out a little hum she huffed out a huge sign and turned her face towards me. Her expression was angry only until her eyes locked on a small cut on my lip and then the small bruise forming around my eye.

"Did... ARIE. Did he hit you?"

She was in a complete panic, brushing my hair out of my face trying to get a better look. I pushed her hand back from my face and opened the mirror to make sure I didn't look like too much hell, my dad didn't need to worry about me coming home like this. Although, it wouldn't be the first time I came home looking like this, he was used to my fights.

"No, he didn't. This happened at Heather's party"

"Did you fight Heather again?"

"No, if I fought her I wouldn't look like this"

I pulled her make up from the glove compartment and started to cover up the bruise the best I could with the makeup that was a little too light for my skin tone, but it had to work.

"Then who? what of her little bitchettes?"

"Uh, no.. They weren't little or bitches"

She slammed on the breaks and looked at me, pulling into the parking lot of the small play ground that sat just on the river. You could hear the waves made by the small boats that passed break on the rocks propped against the shore. She grabbed me by both shoulders and turned me to have her.

"Who the fuck hit you?"

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