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"Dude, you look pitiful" Krys said "What happened?"

"Uh, I went to the hospital for burns?"

"No, its something else, what gives?"

"Johnny... McBrien kissed me"

She gawked at me for a second, stifled a laugh and then gave me a 'told you so' kind of look. She picked up the poi that I had before and started spinning it when I noticed Klaus glancing at me while McBrien grimaced at him. They both looked at me and then walked into the house I assumed was Klaus'. I let out the breath that caught in my throat when he looked at me.

"Thank god, finally" I said

My thanks was too soon because when I lifted my head I saw McBrien and Klaus coming across the yard with two cases with what looked like german beer.

"How about me turn this into a game?" Klaus said

we all just kind of nodded at the thought and took the bottles from him. He picked up the LED poi and set down his bottle.

"If you hit yourself with them, you drink, if you let one go and it flies, drink. Fuck up a trick? Drink" he said, clearly proud of himself.

"That means for you, Arie, you have to take four" Krys smirked.

"I think the severe burns were enough, thank you"

"Go on, drink up" McBrien chimed in

I did as I was told and put the bottle to my lips and chugged half the bottle. I hated beer but I hated being seen as weak even more. I put the bottle on the rust covered truck and took the baton and walked over to McBrien.

"I guess I'll teach you, then"

"Are... You going to light them on fire?"

"God, no"

I grab his large hands and he blushed when I looped my fingers onto his. I flipped the baton through our fingers a few times before letting him try for himself. he fumbled a few times but never let it fall. I smiled at my teacher-turned-pupil and told him he was doing well. I turned to see how Krys was doing with Klaus and he looked like he had been doing this for years. I suddenly heard McBrien behind me grunt in pain as his baton hit his face, I stifled a giggle and grab his bottle.

"Go on, drink up" I said, mimicking his tone.

He stuck his tongue out at me but listened seconds later. This game went on for an hour or two before we all had to quit because the more we drank the more we messed up our tricks or hit ourselves.

"My parents can't see us like this" Krys slurred

"You can stay at my house for the night or at least until you sober up"

Sober up? We each downed half a case of beer, sobering up would take til morning. Krys and I nodded and linked our arms to steady each other. When we made it inside I plopped myself on the floor next to McBrien and giggled.

"Game on" I whispered.

When he looked down I me I glanced over to Krys and Klaus who gave me not so sly nods and walked into another room together. I grabbed his hand began rolling it over and over again in my own, squeezing the tips of his fingers with mine. I looked towards him while he studied how my hands moved. I dropped his hand and stood up, wobbling slightly.

"I need some water" I said

"I think we all need a trough of water" he replied.

When he started to stand I put my hands on his shoulders and kept him sitting while I placed myself on his lap.

"Damn it, Arie"

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