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Johnny POV

I sat in the coffee house rubbing my moist hands on my pants, why were my palms so sweaty? Was I nervous? It was only Lei, how in the world am I nervous? Damn it, it's too late to get up and walk out now. It was too late the moment I sent that text. I had nearly drowned the rest of the patrons by the time she walked in, looking much more casual than our previous meeting, more provocative. I stood up and gave her an awkward side hug and tried to ignore the way she pressed her body against me.

"Hey! I'm so glad you invited me out"

"Yeah... Me, too. How have you been?"

"Good. We just didn't meet in the best circumstances last time, its nice to have a second chance"

Second chance? At meeting, for the school or for a relationship? I felt my eyebrows draw in while I was clearly lost in thought, when I zoned backed in I missed half the conversation.

"Uh, Lei, The reason I wanted to hang out was to talk about the rumors about me"

"Oh... a few teachers have concerned that Ariana or whoever is getting to close to you. They claim they've seen you driving her home before, I know she volunteers for you after school but that's a little different"

"I have taken her home a few times, I've driven her to the hospital once. It's been only when absolutely necessary"

I could see her trying to figure out what to think, whether this was some sort of threat or if my intentions were really as sick as some peers have made them out to be.

"How old is she?"

"Arie? 19, why?"

Great, I could have possibly made this all worse. I could have left it alone, trying to deny my guilt only made me look more guilty. I mean, I haven't really done anything illegal or wrong, after all Arie came after me... At least recently. This wasn't a declaration of power, I suppose I am the dominate entity but Arie enjoys that, I'm sure. I can't start having a crisis while I still have one sitting right in front of me but... I'll be stuck with one anyway because just as I was opening my mouth to tell her goodbye she gave me a proposition.

"I'll forget the Arie thing on one condition, that being you get back together with me. No investigation, no charges, and the principle position is yours"

She smiled at me, a smile that didn't belong with such a sinister offer

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