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I walked into fourth period still focusing heavily on that kiss and the way he ordered me to come back. I let the butterflies in my stomach and the warmth between my thighs take over my being, paying no attention to whatever sea creature we were talking about today. I opened my third energy drink and chugged it, hardly stopping to take a breath. The majority of my remaining classes went this way; I walked in, sat down, ignored the lesson and drank energy drinks. By seventh period I had one more left and I had it open before I even got into the room. Seventh period government was going to be eventful today, I walked in and dropped my stuff at my usual seat next to Donnie with Kat no where to be found. I dropped the empty can into the garbage when Heather walked into the room. 

"Oh, look more trash to throw away"

I walk towards her, a cool and composed pace. I felt my heartbeat quicken and I couldn't tell if it was from the energy drink or from the excitement of hitting her again. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down so that she was eye level with me.

"Listen, bitch, I know it was your fault what happened to me"

She giggled through a pained expression and looked me dead in the eyes.

"And, what happened to Kat... Boys sure do like her"

I squinted my eyes, tugging more on her hair and letting my other hand make contact with her face. Everyone in class winced at the hollow noise of the impact. I pulled my hand back again, this time aiming aiming for her abdominal

"Not the stomach! PLEASE"

I swung my fist again hitting her right in the nose, she started to fight against me working our way closer to the door until we went bursting through it, my hands now around her neck. I pushed into a locker. I started screaming at her for what she did to me and Kat, threatening her with more than just a few punches. I pulled her back towards me and threw her into the locker again, knocking all the breath out of her lungs. 


I looked back and there was Kat, nearly in tears. You would think she was the one in the fight the way her expression was.

"She isn't worth it" 

She came over and grabbed me and pulled me back from Heather when Jay rushed over and grabbed her.

"Alright, office, NOW" Wassleheimer shouted.

I shook Kat's arms off of me and walked to the office with angry steps, I heard her behind me trying to keep up. I was the first to make it to the office with Kat walking in soon after. 

"You didn't have to defend me"

I looked at her and scoffed, biting my lip angrily.

"You think that was just about you? Get your head out of your ass! She got a bunch of those bitch football players on me, okay? I was fucking attacked at that party!"

I stood up from my chair and started to pace, I couldn't sit still any longer. All I wanted to do was run and I was absolutely thrilled that I had to help with practice today. half way through rambling to myself Jay and Heather walked into office. Kat perked up a little, making sure to poke out her chest while he oddly did the same thing while Heather coward behind him. 

Mr. Paisely walked through the doors, sighing deeping when he saw us all sitting there. He lowered his head and waved us all into his office. 

"Alright, what happened this time?"

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