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Before we walked back down to the water I grabbed my camera and flipped through the pictures. I waded through the countless pictures of splashing water and tree branches sticking out of the water until I found the picture I took before falling in the water.

"Johnny" I scoffed

He looked into the camera and gasped lightly, you could see the eyes of not just one alligator but three. I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my back. I kissed him more passionately than I had before, in any situation. his fingers dig into my bag making me lean in to him more, when I break the kiss he shakes his head at me and pulls me back into a kiss. We stood there for a few minutes, locked in place with each other. Finally, I push myself away from him and lead him towards the water.

"Gimme this thing" he said

He stole the camera from me and then pushed me into the water, immediately I started to shiver. He jumped in and swam towards me.

"My turn to take pictures of you" she smirked.

I shook my head while he started to point and shoot. I dived underwater to escape the photo ambush, when I looked over he was still taking pictures. He started spelling out the word "Mermaid" in Sign Language. I started laughing and swam towards him all the while he took pictures. We wrestled over the camera for a little bit before he claimed he had a photo idea he really needed to take. I sighed and threw my hands up in forfeit.

"float on your back" he commanded. 

He swam under me and stayed under for a minute or two before swimming up right beneath me and throwing me into the air. I landed with splash, disrupting a game of catch. I apologized while they reassured me it was okay and that they would rather catch me then the ball anyway. I eyed McBrien who was watching from a distance. He ordered me to come back with one finger, and then smiled when I swam back over to him. 

"I'm always getting into trouble around you" I said

His smile disappeared from his face and he wrapped a protective arm around my back, still staring at the gaggle of men playing catch. I wiggled myself from him and swam to the deeper part of the water, hoping he would follow. When I came up he was in front of me. I jumped out of the water onto him, wrapping my legs around his back and my hands into his hair. He turned us around over and over again, splashing water all over the place when I women approached us

"Do you want me to take a picture of you two?" She asked in a sugary tone

We both nodded and I told her to just keep pressing the button until we stopped spinning. I begged him to stop because I was getting dizzy. I retrieved my camera an looked through the pictures, excited at how they came out. 

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