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I picked up Krys the next morning and listened to her talk about Katie. We were half way to the school when she asked me what was up with me and McBrien.


"At all?"

I past the school and explained to Krys that I was avoiding McBrien. We decided on going to Denny's for breakfast and then back to Krys' to grab our poi and head to Florence Ave. We sat down at a back booth, I ordered a coffee and she ordered a chocolate milk. I drowned my coffee in sugar to over compensate for the lack of sleep. I joked with Krys about how she's truly a child at heart.

"At least I'm not the size of a child"

"okay, ouch" I said. 

We talked through our meal and decided to split the check and tip. We made our way back to the car and joked about my car like she always does. My phone chimed and I tried to ignore it. 

"Arie, answer him" Krys said.

I sighed and grabbed my phone from my center console before I even put the keys in the ignition. He just wanted to know if I was okay. I said I was fine but I needed to catch up on my rest. I didn't want to avoid him but he was making me nervous, I couldn't think straight about what he said. I heard my phone chime again and I groaned. This chime it was Kyra, asking where I was. I told her I was at home and of course she called bullshit. I told her that she should meet up with us later on. We drove back to Krys' and stayed longer than we meant to, taking a short nap before heading out. By the time we settled on a spot school was already out and they were setting up the wine walk. 

"let's go see if Kat's working"

We walked the short distance from the beach to Clover's, I hated this joint. I didn't like mexican food and I had been boycotting it ever since Karl Nickleshrink got in an argument with me because he was cheating off my Anatomy test. We spun a little on our walk, nearly hitting a few people.  When we made it to the restaurant I spied two familiar faces, luckily he hasn't noticed me yet. 

"Krys" I whispered "We have to turn around"


"Johnny is over there"

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