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When heather and I arrived at the free clinic she started to pick her nails nervously.

"You need to do this" I said plainly.

All she did was nod, looking down at her hands while I stepped out of the car. I walked around to her side and flung open her door.

"I will still bully your pregnant ass if you don't get out of this car"

She grabbed her bag from the floor and shoulder checked me, walking to the front entrance of the clinic. I slammed the door shut and walked towards her. She stepped inside, the air conditioning a huge relief from the Florida sun. We sat down while she filled out her information, taking her time at the "pregnant?" Question. It was a half hour wait before they called her out and then another half hour until she came back out with a handful of pamphlets and prescriptions for prenatal shit. I felt almost bad for her, she wasn't ruining her life but... She did just set her difficulty level to hard. I couldn't imagine what her life would be like now. She walked back out to my car where there was a monsoon, sunshine state my ass.

"I've been meaning to ask.. Who is... The, uh, father?"

She huffed and pulled her hair up in a high ponytail

"Uh.. Reuben is"

"I always thought he was.. Ya' know, strictly dickly?"

"Reuben is definitely straight, I can promise you that"

I tried my best not to laugh at the thought of him actually being gay. The drive was quiet until we were nearly back to my house where she thanked me profusely, hardly taking a breath between sentences.

"I'm serious, I'm going to the principle tomorrow morning"

I nodded and we both left my car, I hardy said goodbye before she grabbed me by the shoulder and hugged me a little too tightly.

"Okay, okay, you felt my tits now I'm sure your crushing the baby"

She smiled at me and pulled out her phone handing it to me to add my number in. I did and she pulled me back into another hug

"I really don't know how to thank you"

"Make me it's godmother" I joked.

She smiled at me and unlocked her car. She pulled her sunglasses back down and left quickly. I Pulled out my phone and saved her number from the text she sent me, which was another thank you. I put my phone back and shook my head, walking inside and sitting at the kitchen table with my head down. I heard the garage door open and the telltale sound of my father's boots on the tile floor.

"Ah, there is my little delinquent. I see that you started the paint touch ups"

I nodded my head against the table and blew raspberries.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I shouted against the wood

"Oh, my Tochter, I'm magic"

I sighed and walked to the stairs, putting my hand on the railing

"No, you're a nerd, Herr Wagner"


I laughed as I walked up the steps and pulled out my phone, debating over texting or calling. When my fingers found the way to his contact, I typed furiously.

Call me, if you can... I had a weird day

Rather than the chime of my phone I heard the prolonged ringtone. I turned my phone over and the screen read Unknown. I hit accept and brought the phone to my ear.

"Uh... Hello?"

"I know that you're fucking a teacher"

That's all I heard before the line went dead, the high pitch tone was more comforting than it should have been.

I know you're fucking a teacher

I know you're fucking a teacher

It was all I could hear in my head, my breath started to get jagged and my hands felt numb. The only thing pulling me from the drowning feeling was my phone ringing, through the haze of my vision I read the contact Johnny


"Arie? Are you okay? I'm coming to pick you up"

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