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I was trembling all of first period art class, the realistic portrait I was trying to paint quickly became a surrealism piece. I let the music I was listening to influence the mood of my painting, the canvas looked like the brain of someone with multiple personalities. I was covered in paint, it some how even ended up on my back and in my hair.


I looked up and Mrs. Arthur had a small, yellow piece of paper with my name written on it carefully. I grabbed the pass and noticed a small heart dotting the I in my name and I smiled thinking about the little details he put into showing me how he feels about me. I put my canvas on the drying rack and hastily washed my paint brushes. I wrapped my paint palette up, I don't even bother to wash the paint off; it would only end up on me again. I checked the time and grabbed my bag. When I was at the door I waved to Mrs. Arthur and told her I would be back at lunch time to finish up. I walked down the hallway excited to see him, it was his planning period so we didn't have to worry about formalities. His door was wide open but I still stopped in the doorway and knocked on the it. When he looked up and a huge shit eating grin spread across his face.

"Close the door"

I kicked the wooden block inside the room and followed it inside. He motioned for me to sit down in the next to his desk but instead of sitting in it, I put my feet in it and sat on his desk. He gave me a disapproving look and then chuckled at me. placing his hand on my thigh and making slow small circles with his thumb.

"I wanted to ask you when you were going to report those football players"

I looked at him with a confused expression and shook my head.

"I'm not going to, I'm not crazy, they targeted me for a reason"

"You have to"

"No, I don't, I'm taking care of this my way"

"Why did they target you?"


He tilted his head in confusion until he realized what I had said. He shook his head and took my hand.

"What's "your" way?"

"You'll find out"


"It's okay"

He nodded at me and let go of my hand, we spent the next 20 minutes before the bell rang flirting. I hopped off the desk and picked up my bag ready to leave when he caught my hand and pulled me back to him.

"By the way, I really like that dress on you... And your hair is very cute"

His voice was low and seductive,my cheeks and my ears burned red and he chuckled. He let go of my arm and let me turn to leave when he gave me a little pat on the butt, when I looked back he was wearing a sinister smile, turning my face even redder. I finally left the room just seconds before the bell rang for second period. When I made it to my english class Kyra was already there which was unusual.

"You look like you want some to touch you all over" she said.

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