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It was around 2 p.m. when the texts started to flood in from Johnny. I shut my phone off and lay my head down on my dinning table. I heard my Dad and stepmom walk in arguing about some made up disease my dad thought up. 

"Are you okay?" Torrey asked

"Yeah, just some guy" 


"No, god no. He was... agressive. He hated Donald" 

"The gay one?" My dad smirked

"No, Donald is not the problem. You are not helping" 

I got up and walked up to my room in a huff. I tossed my phone onto my bed and grabbed my laptop. I decided to do school work to get my mind off the fuckery of the day. I worked for about four hours before calling a quits and ordering chinese food. When it arrived and I opened the door Klaus was there holding my food. 

"Did he get you to stalk me or something?" 

"No? I had to get a job before I started working at the high school" 

He handed me my food and I handed him my money. I went to slam the door but he caught it before it shut all the way

"He doesn't know what he did wrong"

"Nothing, leave it alone"

"He was frantic, Arie, he seemed like he lost the most important thing to him, his Shatz" 

"Ich sage nicht sein Schatz, Klaus, er kennt mich kaum" 

"That was hot. Yes, you are his treasure and yes he does know you.... Just, call him" 

He snaked his arm back to his body and walked away from the door. I ran back upstairs with my food and grabbed my phone. When I turned it on I had 34 messages ranging from apologies to panicked "WHAT IS GOING ON?"s I clicked into my messages and started typing.

"I won't be going to school tomorrow, not feeling well"  

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