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"I'll need you to sign this" 

he said as he slid a paper towards me.

"Don't worry I'm not trying to get you to sign your life away, just your afternoons."

"uh, why? I'm passing your class, i'm passing all of my classes" I manage

"Don't sound so excited. You are passing but you need community service credits so I figured you could spend some time after school helping me grade or coach on days we have practice. You're 18, you can just sign for yourself"

"19, actually"  

I said as I took the pen from him, letting my hand hand brush his. His cheeks turned red almost instantly.

"I'll see you after school then, Oh and I'll give you days to work on just your school work. And, bring athletic clothes Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Fridays" 

"It's really nice of you to do this but I can find other ways to get the hours... You don't have to deal with me everyday"

"Like I already told you, I chose to do this, I chose you"

He smiled. The bell rang and I nodded in his direction and stalked from the classroom determined to find Kat.

"Arie! Jay just told me he needed-"

"McBrien is making me stay after school with him. until I graduate, everyday" i blurted out.

"That sounds like the beginning to low budget porn" she scoffed.

"Kat, I'm serious. Tell Chrys and Kyra that you guys can't come over right away on Fridays anymore. I have to help coach JV soccer"

"You? and sports? yeah, okay" she said.

"I don't have a choice if I want to graduate. I hate this teacher" I whined.

"Okay, so this Jay thing-" I began to drown her out as she talked about Jay for the thousandth time today.

"Just admit it! You have a crush on him" 

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