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"FALL BACK, DAMN IT! STANLEY, FALL BACK!" McBrien never shouted around students unless it was practice and I have to admi-

"Arie, I can't have you wearing that type of athletic clothes to practices anymore" he sighed

"Why not?" i breathed, heavily.

"All the guys are staring, plus administrators don't take kindly to girls running in tight tank tops and those tiny shorts" the way he was blushing made me stand up a little straighter

"Anyway, why are you running a million laps? You're suppose to help me coach these idiots" he said, clearly trying to change the subject

"I have boot camp after high school and I'm not nearly ready" I huffed before taking a huge gulp of water, it was push ups and crunches next.

"Running for three days a week won't help any" he chuckled

"I know, I'm on to push ups, maybe burpees, and crunches" I began to walk away from him when one of the players ran straight into me.

"FUCK, dude, are you fucking blind?"

"Brad, three laps for not paying enough attention and Arie, Come here" he comes the lecture about how it is not becoming of s young lady to use such language, but who gives a shit? I'm about to be an itchy hot mess.

"are you okay?" He eyes scanned my face for any signs of upset.

"yeah, I'm fine. Just not a fan of being knocked down"

"Do you want to go home? I don't want you to be all whiny while you're here"

The way he smirked at me made me want to slap him to make him stop"

"You're so not funny, I'll be fine, just irritated. What do you want me to do for these dummies? They can hardly kick a ball, your defense is weak at best, and honestly your goalie is definitely straight because he is so afraid of those balls"

"Alright, alright, if you're such an expert, what do you expect?"

"Quit the whole team and start over?"

He scowled at me but I could see the happiness in his eyes, it made me blush a little. She shoved my shoulder before dismissing me and making me go home. I ran off the field, feeling a multiple pairs of eyes on me... on my ass, mostly. I made it to my car and felt the sweat trickle down my back, damn those leather seats. I peeled out of the parking lot as fast as  I could. When I finally made it home, I was little shocked to see Krys' car in my driveway.

"Y'all? What the fuck?

"Finally! We've been here for like five minutes already" Krys whined

"you'll be waiting even longer I have to show ever. Some moron knocked me into the grass and I think I'm going to die"

"don't be so over dramatic, Arie"

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